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ArchiMate® is The Open Group's open and independent modelling language for enterprise architecture, supported by different tool vendors and consulting firms. ArchiMate® provides instruments to support enterprise architects in describing, analyzing and visualizing the relationships among business domains in an unambiguous way.

This group is open to anyone who wants to discuss ArchiMate® or ArchiMate® supporting tools. You are encouraged to add images to your posts, either to share knowledge or better illustrate your question. The general rule for posting in this group is:

  • The subject of a post may only be about the ArchiMate language or ArchiMate language tooling. Generic Enterprise Achitecture or even further off-topic posts are not allowed.

(Self-)promotion for commercial interests is not forbidden. However, posts must have real substance and follow the above generic restriction. Here are some "fair use" netiquette rules for those having commercial interests:

  • A single generic link (URL) to your commercial interest may be used in any (furthermore on-topic) post, not more
  • Any other link (URL) to your commercial interest is only allowed if it directly pertains to the subject under discussion
  • Mentioning your commercial interest in posts or replies is allowed, but not too often
  • Releases may be announced, but shortly and redirecting people to the original web site
  • Announcing new content on web sites that are linked to your commercial interest is allowed, but only if related to ArchiMate® the standard or tools supporting ArchiMate®, no general EA announcements or redirections.

These rules are not strict, they only are intended to give you a feel for what is 'proper' in this forum. Try to behave according to their spirit.

Credit where credit is due: ArchiMate® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Header image and description taken from the website.