Modeling sub-service dependency

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Apr 3, 2019, 12:52:01 PM4/3/19
to ArchiMate
Hi all, 

I'd like your feedback for modelling in archimate a subservice dependency
My understanding of archimate is you have several ways to model it. 
For example for application layer:

For a simple api call dependency, you can use the serves relation:


But you can model the request (as a trigger relation), and the answer (as a flow? relation)


 You can then also detail the data passed (parameters and answer)

My question: which one is the best? Should you model all of them ? Is the "serves" redundant or a derived relation is you model thru trigger/flow (request/response)?

Thanks for your feedback

Mastering ArchiMate

Apr 5, 2019, 8:22:29 AM4/5/19
to, ArchiMate
Yes, as in any language, there are many ways to say the same.

There also never is a single ‘best’ way to say it. What is ‘best' depends on the use you want to make of your diagram or your model (this is why I wrote a whole book about ways to model things in ArchiMate). 

Personally, Your picture with both trigger and flow are nicely complete. I would leave out the API (interface) altogether, as it is not really needed to say service a uses service b. Note, that ‘sub-service’ suggests composition/aggregation structure and that is not what you are after, are you? b is independent from a? In that case, I would call this not a ‘sub-service’ but ‘another service’. If b is a part of a, then modelling that internal structure is somewhat questionable. Especially if you are not so much drawing but modelling, that is, if you want to perform some sort of automated analysis.

Serving is not derived from trigger flow, but there are semantical relations. Given that question about derivation, might I suggest downloading and reading the Free Syntax Excerpt of Mastering ArchiMate? It explains the whole syntax (of which you clearly already understand a lot) including derivation (where your question makes me assume you are not aware of its specifics).

On 3 Apr 2019, at 18:52, wrote:

Hi all, 

I'd like your feedback for modelling in archimate a subservice dependency
My understanding of archimate is you have several ways to model it. 
For example for application layer:

For a simple api call dependency, you can use the serves relation:


But you can model the request (as a trigger relation), and the answer (as a flow? relation)


 You can then also detail the data passed (parameters and answer)

My question: which one is the best? Should you model all of them ? Is the "serves" redundant or a derived relation is you model thru trigger/flow (request/response)?

Thanks for your feedback

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