Stipends for supervision

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Peter Rawsthorne

Jan 11, 2013, 12:01:47 AM1/11/13
People should be paid for their work, efforts should be recognized...
Given I am going to do this OnPhD completely outside any institution. Shouldn't I apply my monies toward supervision and other supporting people and materials?
If someone I would consider an outstanding supervisor (regardless if they have a PhD) wouldn't it be reasonable for me to offer them a stipend or some similar financial payment for supervising me through to completion? What amount would be reasonable? $3,000 - $10,000? We could work out some kind of contract based upon my meeting learning milestones... This would be somewhat like what Curtis Bonk would consider a supermentor (


Enjoy your day...


Leigh Blackall

Jan 11, 2013, 6:29:47 AM1/11/13

What an interesting idea, and it could be that it helps with formal recognition somewhere too.. I'm not sure it would be a flat rate. Maybe it is per badge milestone.. or even more aggregate


Jan 15, 2013, 12:18:01 AM1/15/13
Can we look for some retired professors who can do it for free or one of the MOOCs gurus who can do it as part of their free contribution to open learning?. Can we explore and try to apply peer to peer assessment and try to find some recognition through some online distance accreditation organization?. We can use the paper about Heutagogy that was published in this group as a guide. What about exploring different open universities throughout the world who has programs on PhD by publication and see how they can help us through guidance and assessment?

Leigh Blackall

Jan 15, 2013, 4:45:50 AM1/15/13

Yes yes yes, I'd say Yves. We just need a way to do it methodically. I'd suggest the following:

1. Get a few of us through the candidacy challenge
2. Then create a page on Wikiversity that lists the organisations that might have the flexibility to consider what we're suggesting
3. Then prepare a letter on wiki, that we'll send to all these organisations, and document their responses
4. By then, we'd hopefully have the next challenge ready on P2PU, and we'd go through it all again.
5. Eventually, I think we'd slowly pick up volunteers, and maybe even break a dam wall in an organisation that is prepared to test our proposal

Peter Rawsthorne

Jan 16, 2013, 8:33:31 AM1/16/13
This approach makes sense to me.
I will most likely remain an outlier in all this. Coupling too closely with the traditional institution is not my thing... I will seek opportunities from the outside. This is not meant to say I do not believe there is value in building relationships with traditional institutions, I just will be the person seeking legitimization of what we are doing from outside and more leaning towards peer-based and non-traditional. All good!
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