Responsibilities of Institutions

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Peter Rawsthorne

Jan 27, 2013, 5:08:14 PM1/27/13
Wanting to make sure everyone is aware of this activity. And ask if people also agree with my view that there is two sides to this...

Be Well...

Leigh Blackall

Jan 27, 2013, 5:56:58 PM1/27/13
I'm sorry to see that yet again, Networked Learning has been relegated to online learning. I normally have a lot to say on he subject of Networked Learning, and should probably chip in on this project, but I really don't know or understand why they are doing it! If you're involving yourself Pete, maybe this work I've been doing (though little progress on it these past few months) on an ethical framework for Ubiquitous Learning. I started using ubiquitous learning when it seemed that Networked Learning was being dominated by technocrats and it seemed possible to pull ubiquitous learning away from mobile computing technocrats. Alas, that too is almost soley the domain of people obsessing over pocket computers, as Networked Learning has become soley the domain of people wondering about the Internet! Sigh.


Leigh Blackall

Peter Rawsthorne

Jan 27, 2013, 6:58:07 PM1/27/13
Nope, not involving myself. Just reading it over and giving it some thought. My concern was more that it was coming at it from the position of the learner where it really needed to come at it from the position of the institutions... IMHO, Self-directed open learners already have all the rights they need, given fair-dealing and a free-mind. I agree with you about the online and technocratic... Honestly, I'd rather hang with the kids and teach 'em outdoor and trade skills... more of what they will need for the next 80 years...

I'm going to find the time to read over these recent works of yours...

Be Well...
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