Access System

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Aug 31, 2011, 11:35:09 PM8/31/11
to Open Access Control
Hi all,

I wanted to send an email and get everyone introduced. 23b Shop has
had the access system up and running for just under a year now, using
EM4100 readers and keypads. I think the hardware is definitely
reliable. We now have the guys from Heatsync Labs in Arizona working
on updating the code, so look for more clean-up and additional
features soon.

We also just picked up a Sheevaplug computer, and are thinking about
moving the logging/remote access onto this. Details are here:

How has everyone's experience been so far with the system?


Christopher Cprek

Sep 1, 2011, 11:04:54 AM9/1/11
Hi Arclight,

LVL1 finalized our install of Open Access about a month and a half
ago. It's working great so far!

One of our guys did some modification of the codebase to enforce a
4-digit PIN along with the RFID. There's one slight issue with that.
No PIN numbers can start with 9... If so, it will register a prepended
FFFF for some reason. I believe this is an issue with the reader
itself, but honestly we're just kind of ignoring it for the time

Overall the experience has been great. We hacked together a power
supply with battery back-up. The RFID / strike functioned flawlessly
through a 24 period of power loss, following a huge windstorm that
took out power in much of Louisville.

The relays were also wired into to our automatic garage door, so you
can open it through the RFID keypad plus a code sequence.

A more thorough write-up with documentation is pending. Next up for us
is to tie this in with some more advanced logging and management.

Thank you Open Access Control!

Micro Colonel LVL1


Sep 1, 2011, 2:08:29 PM9/1/11
We attempted to build our own from scratch based on this design and code. While it worked great on breadboard, when put to PCB it would often reset or lockup when the strike was engaged/opened. We ended up buying a kit from Arclight; it works great and we're about to let it go live with it.

As far as our poor home-made system, some day we plan to revisit it and perform an exorcism on the bugs with some advice we've received from Arclight. One of the things we added was an SD card reader for access logging and storage of RFID tag id's. I don't believe we had the SD code fully working for that though.


Alan Widmer

Sep 12, 2011, 3:36:19 PM9/12/11

I would love access to your code for SD card reading as we (Jigsaw Renaissance hackerspace in Seattle) have potentially a need from more than 200 stored codes.

Even if you current code does not work we would like to help troubleshoot and share it back.

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