OAC Ethernet Version 0.04

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Will Bradley

Mar 12, 2013, 3:03:16 AM3/12/13
to open-acce...@googlegroups.com, Short Tie
Hi all, the latest version of my Ethernet branch is published; this code allows you to use an Arduino Ethernet (with the original OAC shield) and access the system via HTTP instead of via Serial.


Many thanks to HeatSync member Short Tie who has volunteered his time not only making improvements but, as of this version, refactoring and DRYing the logic.

It's my intent to contribute these improvements back to the community; I know Arclight has made many improvements since we bought our board, so if there's a way for us to merge this Ethernet code into the main codebase or otherwise bring it up to speed please say something. HeatSync is benefiting from the improved ability to hook the board via web APIs (https://github.com/zyphlar/Open-Source-Access-Control-Web-Interface) and I hope others can benefit too.


Mar 12, 2013, 3:41:15 AM3/12/13
to open-acce...@googlegroups.com, Short Tie

Nice work, Will and team.

I'm wondering if either a fork or a more portable version where header files define the hardware config makes more sense?


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Will Bradley

Mar 12, 2013, 4:16:04 AM3/12/13
to open-acce...@googlegroups.com, Short Tie
Indeed, the password/cardnum/ip/mac config is already hard enough to version control. I just haven't sat down and figured out how to cleanly split stuff off to separate files yet. Pull requests are welcome :)
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