About our new work: OAG-BERT

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Xiao Liu

Mar 8, 2021, 12:02:48 AM3/8/21
to Open Academic Graph
Hi all,
​It's our honor to introduce you to our new work OAG-BERT based on Open Academic Graph (OAG). The recent development of pre-trained language models such as BERT is a revolution in natural language processing. Domain language models have also experienced a surge. There have been some BERTs pre-trained on scientific corpora such as SciBERT and BioBERT.

​However, we believe that entity knowledge such as papers, authors, fields-of-study, venues, and affiliations are essential for academic mining and analysis. In light of these problems, we present the OAG-BERT, which integrates billions of entities and relationships in OAG during the BERT pre-training. We show that OAG-BERT significantly outperforms other competitors in entity-related benchmarks. We discuss more details in our paper.
​The OAG-BERT is now accessible via the python CogDL​ package. We welcome you to join our Slack group for discussion and eagerly look forward to your feedback and requests.

Knowledge Engineering Group,​
​Department of Computer Science and Technology,
​Tsinghua University,
​Beijing China
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