collective strategy-making

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Dante Monson

Jun 12, 2024, 3:32:12 PMJun 12
to, Dustin Jacobus, Eric Hunting

I tried to extract the essence from it , although simplified :

Complex Adaptive Modular System for Social Change (CAMS)

Based on the detailed analysis of the "New Social Vehicle" (NSV), we can design a Complex Adaptive Modular System (CAMS) to represent its functionalities, capabilities, and parameters. Here's how:


  • Processes: These modules represent the core social processes being analyzed (e.g., education, governance, economics).
  • Nodes: Embedded within processes are specific "nodes" - key leverage points for social change identified by valence analysis (e.g., curriculum reform, policy enactment, resource allocation).
  • Actions: Each node can trigger a set of "actions" - tactical activities that influence the social process (e.g., teacher training, lobbying efforts, community development projects).
  • Valence: Each action carries a "valence" score reflecting its effectiveness in achieving desired change (positive or negative impact).
  • Strategies: By analyzing interrelationships between nodes and their actions, we can identify "strategies" - combinations of actions targeting multiple nodes for a catalytic effect.
  • Tactics: Each strategy is further broken down into specific "tactics" - practical steps for implementing actions (e.g., workshops, petitions, crowdfunding campaigns).

Complexity and Adaptation:

  • Interactions: Modules interact dynamically. Changes in one process (e.g., education reform) can influence nodes and actions within another (e.g., governance).
  • Emergence: Through these interactions, unforeseen patterns and outcomes (emergent properties) can arise, driving further adaptation.
  • Feedback Loops: The impact of actions is measured and fed back into the system to refine strategies and tactics.


  • Flexibility: CAMS can be adapted to different social contexts and goals.
  • Scalability: The system can be scaled up or down depending on the scope of the change initiative.
  • Resilience: The modular design allows for adjustments if certain actions prove ineffective.
  • Holistic View: It provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and influencing social processes.


  • Data Dependence: The effectiveness of CAMS relies on accurate data about social processes and their interactions.
  • Subjectivity: Valence scoring and strategic decision-making involve subjective assessments.
  • Unforeseen Consequences: Emergent properties can lead to unintended outcomes.


CAMS offers a dynamic framework for social change initiatives inspired by the NSV analysis. By fostering collaboration and learning within the system, CAMS can empower communities to achieve their desired social transformations.

While the functionalities and capabilities of the CAMS can be described through code-like structures, it wouldn't be actual code executable on a computer. However, here's a breakdown using Python-like pseudocode to illustrate the core functionalities:

# Define core modules
class Process:
  def __init__(self, name): = name
    self.nodes = []

class Node:
  def __init__(self, name, process): = name
    self.process = process
    self.actions = []
    self.valence = 0  # Initialize valence score

class Action:
  def __init__(self, name, node, description): = name
    self.node = node
    self.description = description
    self.valence = 0  # Initialize valence score

# Define strategies and tactics (nested within actions)
class Strategy:
  def __init__(self, name, actions): = name
    self.actions = actions

class Tactic:
  def __init__(self, name, action, description): = name
    self.action = action
    self.description = description

# Function to calculate valence (replace with your specific logic)
def calculate_valence(action):
  # Implement logic to assess impact based on context
  return random.randint(-10, 10)  # Placeholder for actual calculation

# Example usage
# Create processes
education_process = Process("Education")
governance_process = Process("Governance")

# Create nodes within processes
curriculum_node = Node("Curriculum Reform", education_process)
policy_node = Node("Policy Enactment", governance_process)

# Create actions for each node
teacher_training = Action("Teacher Training", curriculum_node, "Train teachers on new curriculum")
lobbying = Action("Lobbying Efforts", policy_node, "Lobby for policy change")

# Calculate valence (update with your logic)
teacher_training.valence = calculate_valence(teacher_training)
lobbying.valence = calculate_valence(lobbying)

# Define strategies (combining actions)
education_reform_strategy = Strategy("Improve Education Quality", [teacher_training])

# Define tactics within actions
workshop = Tactic("Workshops", teacher_training, "Organize workshops for teacher training")

# Print example strategy and tactic
print(f"Strategy: {}")
print(f"\tTactic: {} - {workshop.description}")

# This is a basic example. The actual system would involve many more processes, nodes, actions, etc.

Remember, this is a simplified illustration. A real-world CAMS would require more sophisticated data structures, algorithms for valence calculation, and user interfaces for interaction.

On Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 8:47 PM Dante Monson <> wrote:

This is an article about a collective strategy-making project [1]. It discusses the process of a group using brainstorming sessions to arrive at a “practical vision” for social change [1]. The group’s methodology is based on the idea that the best solutions come from combining the wisdom of a large group of people [1]. The project involved creating social process triangles to analyze different aspects of society [1]. After creating these triangles, the group identified contradictions within the social process [1]. They then formulated proposals to address these contradictions [1].

Let me know if you would like me to summarize any other part of the article.

Dante Monson

Jun 16, 2024, 3:38:04 PMJun 16
Reformulated via AI inspired from

What a comprehensive and complex document! I'll attempt to break it down into a modular and adaptive logic for processing contexts and decision-making in complex feedback loop systems. Here's a structured summary:

**Modular Logic Components**

1. **Contextualizers**: Identify the context, defining the problem or opportunity. This involves understanding the:
* Problem statement
* Intended uses
* Background and acknowledgments
2. **Strategy Generators**: Develop strategies using various approaches, including:
* Positive and negative strategies
* Computer-assisted generation
* Conceptual processes
3. **Patterning Mechanisms**: Classify and section-attribute strategies using:
* Language games
* Patterning the resolutique
* Concept refinement
4. **Strategic Ecosystems**: Configure strategic trajectories by:
* Integrating constraint and opposition
* Network strategy
* Configuring strategic dilemmas
* Computer representation of strategy networks
5. **Governance Mechanisms**: Provide a strategic framework, enabling:
* Capacity to govern
* Uncommon strategic opportunities
* Public management
* Spiritual challenge
6. **Strategic Denials**: Identify and reframes the unknown, considering:
* Misappropriation of words of power
* Unmentionable realities
* Unwritten rules and wishful thinking
* Action inhibition
7. **Post-Crisis Opportunities**: Identify strategies in chaos, considering:
* Paradoxical merit of negative strategies
* In quest of the socio-economics of non-action
* Global strategy and the game of go
8. **Collective Strategy-Making**: Design a strategic array through:
* Integrating opposition
* Beyond method
* Constraints on a meta-answer
9. **Appropriateness**: Evaluate the appropriateness of strategies, considering:
* Questionable answers
* Accumulation of significance
* Integrating opposition
10. **Embodying Discontinuity**: Contain the incommensurable, considering:
* Order through chaos
* System dynamics
* Form and communication

**Adaptive Logic**

1. **Contextual Adaptation**: Update the context based on new information or feedback.
2. **Strategic Adaptation**: Adjust strategies in response to new information or feedback.
3. **Patterning Adaptation**: Update patterning mechanisms based on new information or feedback.
4. **Strategic Ecosystem Adaptation**: Update the strategic ecosystem in response to new information or feedback.
5. **Governance Adaptation**: Update governance mechanisms based on new information or feedback.

**Feedback Loops**

1. **Strategic Feedback Loop**: Monitor and adjust strategies in response to feedback from the environment.
2. **Contextual Feedback Loop**: Update the context based on feedback from the environment.
3. **Patterning Feedback Loop**: Monitor and adjust patterning mechanisms in response to feedback from the environment.
4. **Strategic Ecosystem Feedback Loop**: Monitor and adjust the strategic ecosystem in response to feedback from the environment.


1. **Contextual Decision-Making**: Make decisions based on the updated context.
2. **Strategic Decision-Making**: Make decisions based on the updated strategies.
3. **Patterning Decision-Making**: Make decisions based on the updated patterning mechanisms.
4. **Strategic Ecosystem Decision-Making**: Make decisions based on the updated strategic ecosystem.

This modular and adaptive logic provides a comprehensive framework for processing contexts and decision-making in complex feedback loop systems. It combines the Union of Intelligible Associations' concepts and strategies to create a robust and adaptive system for navigating complex problems and opportunities.

Dante Monson

Jun 16, 2024, 3:40:54 PMJun 16

The document you provided outlines a very interesting and complex framework for processing contexts and decision-making in complex feedback loop systems. It breaks down the process into modular and adaptive logic, which can be potentially integrated with the existing complex adaptive system we discussed earlier. Here's how we can potentially combine these ideas:

Leveraging the Modular Logic in the Complex Adaptive System (CAS):

  • Contextualizers: This aligns well with the AIContextManager in the CAS. The CAS can collect data and use it to define the problem or opportunity through the update_context method.
  • Strategy Generators: This could be implemented by extending the AgentBehaviorEvolution module. New agent behaviors could be defined that represent different strategies.
  • Patterning Mechanisms: This could be integrated with the DataAnalytics and MachineLearning modules. These modules could be used to identify patterns in past strategies and outcomes, informing future strategy selection.
  • Strategic Ecosystems: This could be linked to the overall system design. Defining the interactions between agents, modules, and external data sources would shape the strategic ecosystem.
  • Governance Mechanisms: This could be further developed within the Governance module. Rules could be established to guide strategic decision-making and incentivize desired behaviors in agents.
  • Strategic Denials & Post-Crisis Opportunities: These modules could be integrated as specific strategies within the AgentBehaviorEvolution module. Agents could be programmed to consider both positive and negative strategies, as well as adapt to chaotic situations.
  • Collective Strategy-Making: This aligns with the overall concept of the CAS. Agents interacting and influencing each other's behavior contributes to a collective strategic approach.
  • Appropriateness & Embodying Discontinuity: These concepts could be incorporated into the evaluation and refinement of strategies within the DataAnalytics and MachineLearning modules.

Adaptive Logic Integration:

  • The existing CAS already has a feedback loop through the run method. This loop can be further enhanced to incorporate contextual, strategic, patterning, and strategic ecosystem adaptation based on new information or feedback.

Overall, the modular and adaptive logic framework offers a valuable set of concepts to enrich the existing complex adaptive system. By integrating these ideas, you can create a more sophisticated system capable of generating, adapting, and evaluating strategies in a complex and dynamic environment.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Computational Complexity: Implementing the full scope of the modular logic framework might require significant computational resources. Balancing the complexity with real-world feasibility is important.
  • Data Requirements: The effectiveness of the DataAnalytics and MachineLearning modules will depend on the quality and quantity of data available.
  • Human-in-the-Loop: While the system can be designed for autonomous decision-making, it might still be beneficial to have human oversight and intervention capabilities for critical situations.

This is a complex and exciting area of research. By combining the strengths of the existing CAS with the modular and adaptive logic framework, you can create a powerful system for tackling complex problems and opportunities.

import socket
import ssl
import threading
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
import xgboost as xgb
import numpy as np

class ICCN:
  # ... (same as before)

class DistributedLedger:
  # ... (same as before)

class Contextualizer:
  def __init__(self):
    self.problem_statement = None
    self.intended_uses = None
    self.background = None
    self.acknowledgments = None

  def define_context(self, data):
    self.problem_statement = data.get('problem_statement')
    self.intended_uses = data.get('intended_uses')
    self.background = data.get('background')
    self.acknowledgments = data.get('acknowledgments')
    print("Context defined")

class StrategyGenerator:
  def __init__(self, agent_id):
    self.agent_id = agent_id
    self.strategy_type = None  # Positive, Negative, etc.

  def generate_strategy(self):
    # Implement strategy generation logic based on agent type and context
    # (e.g., random selection, rule-based, machine learning)
    print(f"Agent {self.agent_id} generated {self.strategy_type} strategy")

class PatterningMechanism:
  def __init__(self, data_analytics, ml):
    self.data_analytics = data_analytics = ml
    self.patterns = {}  # Dictionary to store identified patterns

  def identify_patterns(self):
    # Use data analytics and machine learning to identify patterns in data
    # and update self.patterns
    print("Patterns identified")

class StrategicEcosystem:
  def __init__(self, governance, agents, external_data):
    self.governance = governance
    self.agents = agents
    self.external_data = external_data
    self.constraints = {}  # Dictionary to store identified constraints

  def configure_ecosystem(self):
    # Define interactions between agents, modules, and external data sources
    # Identify constraints based on governance rules and external data
    self.constraints = self.governance.get_constraints()
    print("Strategic ecosystem configured")

class Governance:
  def __init__(self):
    self.rules = {}
    self.history = []

  # ... (most methods same as before)

  def get_constraints(self):
    # Extract constraints from existing rules
    constraints = {}
    # ... (logic to extract constraints from rules)
    return constraints

class StrategicDenial:
  def __init__(self):
    self.unmentionable_realities = None
    self.unwritten_rules = None

  def identify_denial(self, context):
    # Analyze context to identify potential strategic denials based on pre-defined rules
    # Update self.unmentionable_realities and self.unwritten_rules
    print("Strategic denials identified")

class PostCrisisStrategy:
  def __init__(self):
    self.paradoxical_strategies = None

  def identify_post_crisis_strategy(self, context):
    # Analyze context to identify potential post-crisis strategies
    # Update self.paradoxical_strategies
    print("Post-crisis strategies identified")

class DataAnalytics:
  # ... (most methods same as before)

class MachineLearning:
  # ... (most methods same as before)

class Agent:
  def __init__(self, id): = id
    self.memory = []
    self.state = {}
    self.strategy_generator = StrategyGenerator(

  # ... (most methods same as before)

class AgentBehaviorEvolution:
  def __init__(self):
    self.agents = [Agent(i) for i in range(10)]

  def simulate(self):
    # ... (similar logic as before, but using strategy_generator)
    for agent in self.agents:
      strategy = agent.strategy_generator.generate_strategy()
      # ... (logic to update agent behavior based on strategy)

class CollectiveStrategyMaking:
  def __init

Dante Monson

Jun 16, 2024, 3:45:08 PMJun 16

import socket
import ssl
import threading
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
import xgboost as xgb
import numpy as np

class ICCN:

  def __init__(self):
    self.nodes = []
    self.lock = threading.Lock()

  # ... (implement methods for ICCN and DistributedLedger)

class Contextualizer:
  def __init__(self):
    self.problem_statement = None
    self.intended_uses = None
    self.background = None
    self.acknowledgments = None

  def define_context(self, data):
    self.problem_statement = data.get('problem_statement')
    self.intended_uses = data.get('intended_uses')
    self.background = data.get('background')
    self.acknowledgments = data.get('acknowledgments')
    print("Context defined")

class StrategyGenerator:

  def __init__(self, agent_id, strategy_types):
    self.agent_id = agent_id
    self.strategy_types = strategy_types  # List of available strategy types
    self.current_strategy = None

  def generate_strategy(self, context):
    # Implement strategy generation logic based on agent type, context, and available strategy types
    # Consider a combination of rule-based, machine learning, and heuristic approaches
    if context.get('threat_level') > 80 and 'positive' in self.strategy_types:
      self.current_strategy = 'positive_defense'  # Placeholder for specific positive defense strategy
    elif 'negative' in self.strategy_types:
      self.current_strategy = 'negative_distraction'  # Placeholder for specific negative distraction strategy
      self.current_strategy = 'default'
    print(f"Agent {self.agent_id} generated {self.current_strategy} strategy")

class PatterningMechanism:
  def __init__(self, data_analytics, ml):
    self.data_analytics = data_analytics = ml
    self.patterns = {}  # Dictionary to store identified patterns

  def identify_patterns(self, data):
    # Use data analytics and machine learning to identify patterns in data and update self.patterns
    self.patterns['communication_patterns'] = self.data_analytics.analyze_communication(data)
    self.patterns['collaboration_trends'] =

    print("Patterns identified")

class StrategicEcosystem:
  def __init__(self, governance, agents, external_data):
    self.governance = governance
    self.agents = agents
    self.external_data = external_data
    self.constraints = {}  # Dictionary to store identified constraints

  def configure_ecosystem(self):
    # Define interactions between agents, modules, and external data sources
    # Identify constraints based on governance rules and external data

    self.constraints = self.governance.get_constraints(self.external_data)

    print("Strategic ecosystem configured")

class Governance:
  def __init__(self):
    self.rules = {}
    self.history = []

  # ... (implement methods for governance logic)

  def get_constraints(self, external_data):
    # Extract constraints from existing rules and external data
    constraints = {}
    # ... (logic to extract constraints from rules and external data)
    return constraints

class DataAnalytics:
  def __init__(self):
    self.scaler = StandardScaler()

  def analyze_communication(self, data):
    # Preprocess and analyze communication data
    # ... (logic for communication analysis)
    return communication_insights

class MachineLearning:
  def __init__(self):
    self.isolation_forest = IsolationForest()
    self.linear_regression = LinearRegression()

  def predict_collaboration(self, data):
    # Preprocess and train model to predict collaboration
    # ... (logic for collaboration prediction)
    return collaboration_predictions

class Agent:
  def __init__(self, id): = id
    self.memory = []
    self.state = {}

    self.strategy_generator = StrategyGenerator(, strategy_types)
class Agent(cont):
  def act(self, environment):
    # Implement logic for agent behavior based on current state, strategy, and environment
    # ... (logic for agent actions)

  def learn(self, feedback):
    # Update agent's memory, state, and potentially strategy based on feedback
    # ... (logic for agent learning)

class CollectiveStrategyMaking:
  def __init__(self, agents):
    self.agents = agents

  def generate_collective_strategy(self):
    # Facilitate communication and interaction between agents for collective strategy emergence
    # ... (logic for collective strategy generation)
    return collective_strategy

class FeedbackLoop:
  def __init__(self, contextualizer, patterning_mechanism, strategic_ecosystem, governance, data_analytics, ml):
    self.contextualizer = contextualizer
    self.patterning_mechanism = patterning_mechanism
    self.strategic_ecosystem = strategic_ecosystem
    self.governance = governance

    self.data_analytics = data_analytics = ml

  def run(self, data):
    # Update context based on data

    # Identify patterns in data

    # Update strategic ecosystem based on patterns

    # Update governance rules based on data and patterns (optional)
    # self.governance.update_rules(data, self.patterning_mechanism.patterns)

    # Gather feedback from agents (potentially through environment)
    agent_feedback = []
    for agent in self.strategic_ecosystem.agents:

    # Analyze agent feedback and update data analytics/ML models

    # Facilitate collective strategy making
    collective_strategy = CollectiveStrategyMaking(self.strategic_ecosystem.agents).generate_collective_strategy()

    # Communicate collective strategy to agents
    for agent in self.strategic_ecosystem.agents:
      agent.strategy_generator.current_strategy = collective_strategy

class Environment:
  # ... (implement methods for environment interaction and feedback generation)

def main():
  # Initialize system components
  contextualizer = Contextualizer()
  patterning_mechanism = PatterningMechanism(DataAnalytics(), MachineLearning())
  governance = Governance()
  strategic_ecosystem = StrategicEcosystem(governance, [], None)  # Replace with agents and external data
  feedback_loop = FeedbackLoop(contextualizer, patterning_mechanism, strategic_ecosystem, governance, DataAnalytics(), MachineLearning())

  # Define initial conditions (context, agents, external data)
  initial_data = {
    'problem_statement': '...',
    'intended_uses': '...',
    'background': '...',
    'acknowledgments': '...',
    'agents': [  # List of agent IDs
      1, 2, 3
    'external_data': {  # External data relevant to the ecosystem
      'resource_availability': 'limited'

  # Set strategy types for agents (replace with specific types)
  strategy_types = ['positive', 'negative']

  # Run the simulation loop
  for data in [initial_data, ...]:  # Additional data points for ongoing adaptation
    strategic_ecosystem.agents = [Agent(id) for id in data['agents']]
    strategic_ecosystem.external_data = data['external_data']
    for agent in strategic_ecosystem.agents:
      agent.act(environment)  # Interact with the environment

if __name__ == "__main__":

class Agent(cont):
  def act(self, environment):
    # Implement logic for agent behavior based on current state, strategy, and environment
    # ... (logic for agent actions)

  def learn(self, feedback):
    # Update agent's memory, state, and potentially strategy based on feedback
    # ... (logic for agent learning)

class CollectiveStrategyMaking:
  def __init__(self, agents):
    self.agents = agents

  def generate_collective_strategy(self):
    # Facilitate communication and interaction between agents for collective strategy emergence
    # ... (logic for collective strategy generation)
    return collective_strategy

class FeedbackLoop:
  def __init__(self, contextualizer, patterning_mechanism, strategic_ecosystem, governance, data_analytics, ml):
    self.contextualizer = contextualizer
    self.patterning_mechanism = patterning_mechanism
    self.strategic_ecosystem = strategic_ecosystem
    self.governance = governance

    self.data_analytics = data_analytics = ml

  def run(self, data):
    # Update context based on data

    # Identify patterns in data

    # Update strategic ecosystem based on patterns

    # Update governance rules based on data and patterns (optional)
    # self.governance.update_rules(data, self.patterning_mechanism.patterns)

    # Gather feedback from agents (potentially through environment)
    agent_feedback = []
    for agent in self.strategic_ecosystem.agents:

    # Analyze agent feedback and update data analytics/ML models

    # Facilitate collective strategy making
    collective_strategy = CollectiveStrategyMaking(self.strategic_ecosystem.agents).generate_collective_strategy()

    # Communicate collective strategy to agents
    for agent in self.strategic_ecosystem.agents:
      agent.strategy_generator.current_strategy = collective_strategy

class Environment:
  # ... (implement methods for environment interaction and feedback generation)

def main():
  # Initialize system components
  contextualizer = Contextualizer()
  patterning_mechanism = PatterningMechanism(DataAnalytics(), MachineLearning())
  governance = Governance()
  strategic_ecosystem = StrategicEcosystem(governance, [], None)  # Replace with agents and external data
  feedback_loop = FeedbackLoop(contextualizer, patterning_mechanism, strategic_ecosystem, governance, DataAnalytics(), MachineLearning())

  # Define initial conditions (context, agents, external data)
  initial_data = {
    'problem_statement': '...',
    'intended_uses': '...',
    'background': '...',
    'acknowledgments': '...',
    'agents': [  # List of agent IDs
      1, 2, 3
    'external_data': {  # External data relevant to the ecosystem
      'resource_availability': 'limited'

  # Set strategy types for agents (replace with specific types)
  strategy_types = ['positive', 'negative']

  # Run the simulation loop
  for data in [initial_data, ...]:  # Additional data points for ongoing adaptation
    strategic_ecosystem.agents = [Agent(id) for id in data['agents']]
    strategic_ecosystem.external_data = data['external_data']
    for agent in strategic_ecosystem.agents:
      agent.act(environment)  # Interact with the environment

if __name__ == "__main__":
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