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Uploading ooTunes Radio's debug log to the developers

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Feb 9, 2009, 12:18:10 PM2/9/09
to ooTunes Support
Since (inevitably) there may be some problems connecting to some
streams, etc. there is a way to upload a log to help the developer
debug problems with the ooTunes Radio iPhone app.

There is a page that helps to do this here: (you'll need to go there
on your iPhone or iPod touch to upload the log of course)

Send us feedback too RE: what's going wrong here:


Mar 10, 2009, 2:25:35 PM3/10/09
to ooTunes Support
In the latest version and beyond, you can upload the log directly by
going to the info/stats page (tap the "i" in the top right corner of
the app on first startup (you may have to disable the autologin or
"radio only" mode from Apple's Settings app to be able to get there.
Then scroll down to the "debug log" row, and swipe to delete it. When
you tap "delete" it will ask if you want to upload it before deleting
it. Please say yes, and then let us know that you've uploaded it.

You can still send it using the link above if you'd like.

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