Call for papers - 33rd International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference - Keele University, UK [Deadline: March 2, 2020]

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Goksel Misirli

Nov 14, 2019, 5:48:46 AM11/14/19
to ontology-uk

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement. Please help forward it to other potentially interested attendees.]

33rd International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference

6th-10th July 2020 at Keele University, Staffordshire, UK

Doctoral Symposium | Hackathon | Industry Day | Workshops

Keynotes | Presentations | Posters | Events | Interaction Gallery

All accepted full papers and short papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Extended versions of best papers will be invited for publication in a special issue of the Interacting with Computers Journal


Workshop and industry day proposals deadline: 17th January 2020

Workshop and industry day proposals notification and feedback: 31st January 2020


Paper notification and feedback: 24th April 2020


Proposals for Workshops and Industry Day Presentations

Proposals for workshops, tutorials/masterclasses and industry day presentations are invited by email to with a proposed title and a 200-300 word outline. Proposals deadline is 17th January 2020. Details available at:

Paper Submissions

Full paper and short paper submissions are invited to accompany presentations, posters and interaction gallery exhibits. Details are available at:


The 2020 conference theme is “Future Interaction”- highlighting future interactive challenges and opportunities for future sustainability, future education and future health. The conference accepts submissions related to, but not necessarily limited to, the following topics:

User Experience, Usability Testing and Interaction Design

* Mobile, ubiquitous and pervasive computing

* User-centred design tools and methods

* Affective computing, digital empathy, empathic design and emotional HCI

* Human-data interaction and interactive machine learning

* Interaction and design for accessibility

* Visual analytics, information presentation and visualisation

* Ethnographic studies in human computer interaction

Education and Health

* eHealth, digital healthcare studies and usability of medical devices

* Assistive technology

* Interaction in education

* Usability and design of eLearning, educational tools and platforms

* Child-computer interaction studies

Smart Energy, Smart Transport and the Internet of Things

* Sustainability and smart energy

* Interacting with self-driving vehicles and smart transport systems

* Interactive Internet of Things

Interaction Technologies and Applications

* Virtual and augmented reality

* Interfaces for sound, audio and music

* Eye tracking and psycho-physiological studies

* Computer-supported cooperative work

* Human-robot interaction

* Wearable technologies

* Interface and interaction design for games/gaming

Security, Trust, Ethics and AI

* Cybersecurity and usable security

* Applications and issues in interacting with AI interaction

* Design for inclusivity

* Technology adoption, trust, user engagement and retention

* Ethical issues in computing and interactive technologies

* Cyberpsychology and web science

* Human/use error and reliability of interactive systems

Natural, Social and Personalised Interaction

* Natural user interfaces such as gesture controlled interfaces

* Humanization of interactive technology

* Cognitive science in human-computer interaction

* Intelligent, adaptive and personalised user interfaces

* Creative interaction and collaborative creativity

* Conversational and natural language user interfaces and chatbots

* Social interaction and online social media


Conference Chair: Sandra I. Woolley, Programme Chair: Ed de Quincey, Papers Chair: Goksel Misirli

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