Metaverse: Ontology, Semantics and Technology

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Azamat Abdoullaev

2021/12/30 5:44:162021/12/30
To: ontolog-forum、

Mills Davis

2021/12/30 13:12:502021/12/30
Yes, especially as major tech companies see big money to be made from controlling metaverse access.


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John F Sowa

2021/12/30 16:48:372021/12/30
Azamat and Mills,
There is nothing new here.  AI has been metaversing since Turing's paper in 1950, which posed the imitation game of mimicking a human.  There have been many, many implementations of AI systems that simulate robots and many other physical things in two and three dimensions plus time.
In 1971, Terry Winograd implemented the SHRDLU system for his PhD thesis at  MIT.  It enabled a human to carry on a dialog in English to control a robot.  MIT had robots at the time, which SHRDLU could have controlled.  But it was simpler for Winograd  to display a simulated robot on a screen.  For an excerpt of the dialog with a sample diagram from the display see
That was 50 years ago.  The hardware and software have grown enormously since then, but  thetheory  and technology to support the metaverse has been implemented, analyzed, discussed, and published in the past 50 years of R & D.
The only innovation is a glitzy new word:  'metaverse'.   That is a synonym for "Biggus Dealus Gloriousus'.

Azamat Abdoullaev

2021/12/30 17:08:412021/12/30

 Metaverse is the next generation internet based on digital realities (including VR, AR, and MR), computer technology, internet communication technology, social networks underlined by AI/ML platforms. 

More broadly, the Metaverse is a virtual reality world representing ‘real’ world experiences, such as playing, working, studying, and investing, where users can transition freely between the offline and online realms.

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Nadin, Mihai

2021/12/30 18:04:142021/12/30
Dear and respected colleagues,
Could you, please, identify some of the most impressive people involved in the ethics of AI?
The subject is part of the ethics of science in our days. Amazing subject.
Happy New Year. And HEALTHY!

Sent from planet earth

On Dec 30, 2021, at 4:10 PM, Azamat Abdoullaev <> wrote:

James Davenport

2021/12/30 18:27:072021/12/30

It is a very large field, these days, and there are both theoreticians and practitioners.

Many people spot bad examples, but don’t necessarily have effective counter measures.

There is the group around Floridi in Oxford, there is Bryson in Berlin, but many others as well.


From: <> On Behalf Of Nadin, Mihai
Sent: 30 December 2021 23:04
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Re: [Ontology Summit] Metaverse: Ontology, Semanticsand Technology


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John F Sowa

2021/12/31 0:13:012021/12/31
To: ontolog-forum、
I agree that the current hardware and internet technology has made the so-called metaverse practical today.  But I want to emphasize that AI research projects that combined reasoning, natural language processing, simulated robotics, and interactive displays were being developed 50 years ago.  See the SHRDLU system of 1971 as an early example:

 AA:  Metaverse is the next generation internet based on digital realities (including VR, AR, and MR), computer technology, internet communication technology, social networks underlined by AI/ML platforms.   More broadly, the Metaverse is a virtual reality world representing ‘real’ world experiences, such as playing, working, studying, and investing, where users can transition freely between the offline and online realms.

On that point we agree.  But I want to emphasize that the major advance has been in hardware.

By the 1990s, AI software was sufficiently mature to implement a metaverse on high-speed supercomputers.  Today it's practical on a typical gaming computer.

I also want to emphasize that the AI software of 1995 was superior to the Semantic Web software of 2005. See the SW proposal by Tim Berners-Lee in 2000: .  The "Layer Cake" diagram in that proposal and many of the documents cited in the bibliography were more powerful than what was delivered in 2005.  See the discussion of the IKRIS project of 2004-2006, which produced a far better theory and tools: .  Unfortunately, funding for that project was killed by a government shutdown in December 2006.

Summary:   The theoretical ideas required for the metaverse were available on a small scale in the 1970s, and they continued to be developed over the 50 years since then.  The major advance that made it practical was in hardware.  None of the tools developed by the SW project in 2005 are of any use for the metaverse.  The deep neural nets (DNNs) of the past 20 years are an important component, but by themselves they are not capable of doing the reasoning and explanations required for the metaverse.  But there is one serious weakness of the current set of tools:  understanding language in context  (see )   Until better context-handling ability is provided, the metaverse will not be able to explain and reason about the information it finds.  Until then, the term "Real AI" will be more of a hope than a promise.


John F Sowa

2021/12/31 12:52:512021/12/31
To: ontolog-forum、
Dear Eric,
That debate is about the theory of evolution in biology.  It is not a debate about  whether biology has a fixed foundation:
EB: There will be maybe eternal discussions between "gradualists" and "catastrophists", and "Punctuated "stase (slow) - crisis (quick)"" evolutions.
I was making a statement about which there is no debate:  Every science is a work in progress.  Every answer to any question always opens up new questions   No scientists claim that their science has developed a fixed and final foundation, and that the only possible research is about filling in the details.
Possible exception:   There was in fact a group of mathematicians, called the Boubaki, who chose a particular version of set theory, and claimed that it was sufficient to serve as a foundation for all of mathematics.   Since they were brilliant mathematicians, few mathematicians wanted to get into a public debate with them.  But today, their project is widely rejected.  See "The ignorance of the Bourbaki" by Adrian Mathias,
The only other science in which anybody has even the slightest hope for a TOE (theory of everything) is physics.  But nobody today claims that there is anything today or in the near future that could be called a foundation.
Summary:  There is no science about which anybody can claim that there is a fixed foundation.
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