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Adding contents to columns

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Jun 29, 2020, 2:09:51 AM6/29/20
to OnTask Project Forum
I know we can add a new column/row to the existing table, Is there a way to add values/data of the row/column in one go(as we do in excel copy/paste entire row/column), or do we need to edit every row/column manually to add data.

Abelardo Pardo

Jun 29, 2020, 6:59:23 PM6/29/20
to OnTask Project Forum
The two possible ways are:
  1. Introducing the values manually to every row as you describe or
  2. Perform an upload operation with an existing table (merge) with a CSV file or similar that contains the new column but also one of the existing unique columns in the table.

Option 2 uses the "unique column" to know where to place the values in the new column.
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