The Science of Consciousness 2017, San Diego, Final Program Announcement

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Hameroff, Stuart R - (hameroff)

May 20, 2017, 8:47:53 PM5/20/17

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The Science of Consciousness

June 5-10, 2017, La Jolla, California 

"To have a glimpse of what consciousness is would be the scientific achievement before which all others would pale."

William James  

'The Science of Consciousness' ('TSC') is an interdisciplinary conference on all aspects of the nature of conscious experience, awareness, feelings and existence. How does the brain produce consciousness? Is consciousness intrinsic to the universe, or an epiphenomenal illusion? How can consciousness causally affect brain processes? What are the best empirical theories? Do we have free will? How did life and consciousness originate and evolve? What are the origins of moral and aesthetic values? How can we improve mental, physical and cognitive function? Can consciousness persist after bodily death, e.g. through 'uploading' to machines, or via mental processes tied to the natural world?  

Informal, intensive and interdisciplinary in a fun environment, the 24th annual TSC conference will consist of Plenary Sessions, Pre-Plenary Workshops, Evening Concurrent Talk and Poster sessions, Technology and Art Exhibits, Social Events and Entertainment.  

For registration, hotel and other information see:

Plenary Program 

Tuesday June 6, 2017 

PL1 2:00 to 4:10 pm 

Can Machines Be Conscious?

Sir Roger Penrose, Oxford, 'How can Consciousness Arise within the Laws of Physics?'

Joscha Bach, Harvard, 'Consciousness as a Memory of Coordinating Attention: The Conductor Model of Consciousness'

Hartmut Neven, Google , Quantum AI, 'Possible Roles of Quantum Effects and Subjective Experience in Artificial Intelligence' 

Wednesday June 7, 2017  

PL2  8:30 to 10:40am

Language and Consciousness

Noam Chomsky, MIT, 'Language and Unconscious Mental Acts'

Thomas Bever, U Arizona, 'Three Aspects of (Un)conscious Processing in Language and its Normal Use'

Michael J Spivey, UC Merced, 'Language, Consciousness and Embodied Cognition' 

PL3 11:10 am to 12:30 pm​ 

Biophysics 1 - Memory, Spin and Anesthesia

Matthew Fisher, UC Santa Barbara, 'Are We Quantum Computers, or Merely Clever Robots?'

Travis Craddock, Nova Southeastern U, 'A Unitary Mechanism of Anesthesia?: Altering Collective Oscillations in Microtubules' 

PL4 2:00 to 4:10 pm

Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation 

Marom Bikson, CCNY/CUNY, 'Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation Devices to Change Thought and Behavior'

John Allen, Arizona, 'Transcranial Ultrasound, Mood, and Resting State Network Connectivity'

Marvin Berman, VieLight, 'Integrating Noninvasive Photobiomodulation and Neuromodulation'

Michael Rohan, Harvard, 'The Effects of Low Field Magnetic Stimulation on Mood and Brain Function' 

Thursday June 8, 2017

PL5 8:30 to 10:40am 

Physics, Cosmology and Consciousness

Ivette Fuentes, U Nottingham, 'Gravity in the Quantum Lab'

Brian Keating, UCSD, 'Conscious Cosmos'

​James Tagg, Cengine, Penrose Institute, 'Are Human Beings Computers?' 

PL6 11:10 am to 12:30 pm​ 

Music and the Brain

Elaine Chew, Queen Mary University London, 'Mind over Music Perception'

Scott Makeig, UCSD, 'Mind Over Consciousness?' 

PL7 2:00 to 3:30 pm 

Neuroscience and Consciousness 1

Stephen Grossberg, Boston U, 'The Varieties of Brain Resonances and the Conscious Experiences They Support'

Georg Northoff, U Ottawa, 'Temporo-Spatial Theory of Consciousness' 

Friday, June 9, 2017

PL8 8:30 to 10:40am

Neuroscience and Consciousness 2 - Anomalies

Daniel P. Sheehan, U San Diego, 'It's About Time: Experiments in Consciousness and Retrocausation'

Peter Fenwick, UC London, 'A Meditation Teacher Who Can 'Transmit' Subjective Light/Energy'​

Lakhmir S. Chawla, George Washington U, 'End-of-Life Brain Activity' 

PL9 11:10 am to 12:30 pm​

Biophysics 2 - Memristors in the Brain?

Leon Chua, UCSF, 'Brains are Made of Memristors'

Jack A. Tuszynski, U Alberta, 'Microtubules as Subcellular Memristors' 

PL10 2:00 to 4:10 pm  

Neuroscience and Consciousness 3

Gentry Patrick, UCSD, 'Destruction as a Means of Remodeling: The Many Roles of Ubiquitin at the Synapse'

VS Ramachandran, UCSD, 'Embodied Brains and Disembodied Minds'

Charles F. Stevens, Salk Institute, UCSD, 'The Evolutionary Brain Mechanisms That Underlie Consciousness' 

Saturday, June 10, 2017

PL11 9:00 to 11:10 am

Vibrations, Resonance and Consciousness

Anirban Bandyopadhyay, NIMS, Tsukuba, 'Vibrational Frequencies of Biomaterials are the Key to Integration of Information'

Jiapei Dai, South Central University, China, 'Biophotonic Activities and Transmission in Relation to Consciousness' 

Erik Viirre, UCSD, 'Auditory Vibrations and Frequencies: Sounds in Your Head'  

PL12 11:40 am to 1:00 pm 

Eastern Philosophy

Xu Yingjin, Fudan University, China, 'Contemporary Theories of Consciousness and Nishida's notion of 'Basho'' 

Deepak Chopra, Chopra Foundation, 'Mind, Body, and Universe as Human Constructs'  

PL13 2:30 to 4:40 pm

Origin and Evolution of Life and Consciousness

Bruce Damer, UC Santa Cruz, 'The Origin of Life and Consciousness' 

Alysson R. Muotri, UCSD, 'Cerebral Organoids for Neurodevelopmental and Evolutionary Studie's 

Stuart Hameroff, U Arizona, 'The 'Quantum Pleasure Principle' - Did Life Evolve to Feel Good?'  


(Included in the conference registration)  


June 5, 2017 - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

1. DEI East-West Forum 1                                        

(Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India)

2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Consciousness  

(Tagg, Bach, Neven, Penrose, Remmel, Verschure)

3. Tenniscentric  (Valladares)

4. Yoga and Meditation (Birch) 

MONDAY AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS                           

June 5, 2017 - 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

1. DEI East-West Forum  part 2                                       

2. Brain Stimulation/Consciousness Technology        

(Bikson, Sanguinetti, Berman, Rohan, Martin)

3. Resonance, Life and Consciousness                      

(Schooler, Hunt, Bandyopadhyay, Craddock, Grossberg, Chew)

4.  Consciousness and the Arts                                 

(Day, Seifert, Kostiner, Electra)

5. Consciousness Healing Initiative                          

(Jain, Guarneri, King, Muehsam, Vieten) 


6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Sir Roger Penrose                                

Fashion, Faith and Fantasy and the Big Questions in Modern Physics


10111 N. Torrey Pines Rd. La Jolla, CA 92037 USA

30 minute walk, 8 minute ride, simulcast to Hyatt Regency La Jolla​​ 


June 6, 2017 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

1. Language and Consciousness                         

(T. Bever, Chomsky, Spivey, O.Bever)

2. Deepak Chopra - 'The enlightened brain'       

3. David Bohm Centennial                                 

(Pylkkanen, Musser, Walleczek)

4.  Quantum Brain Biology                                

(Craddock, Tuszynski, Hameroff, Bandyopadhyay)  


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

5:00 to 7:55 pm 

C1: Dualism and Panpsychism

SchrinerGradowski, Liamas, GaertnerRemler, Kuznetsov, Kent, Kernion, Pylkkanen

C2: Memory and Consciousness

NakanoHsin-ping WuGottliebHeile, AnokhinFazekas, Loisi, Xiao-Lan Song

C3: Artificial Intelligence/Virtual Reality 1

Verschere, LinBezzubovaGackenbachLeping ZhaDuan, Yang Liu, Elamrani

C4: Consciousness and Molecular Biology

Woolf, SalujaSahniSchifferBakerPoolaJiang

C5: Consciousness and Models of Reality 1

MarkanYan HeKepplerBolarosGruber, Beichler, Andrews 

C6: Altered States of Consciousness

Lopez-SilvaDolciniVillanuevaGerken, Polito, JK Arora, Tirumalai 

C7: Quantum Ontologies 1

GlobusRosseinskyRangarajan, Gaertner, AK SatsangiThomasPrakash

C8: Consciousness and Social Interactions

OlsonMayhoferCarrassiDi PizzoGautamHarrison, Lloyd 


Wednesday, June 7, 2017  5:00 to 7:55 pm 

C9: Free Will and Intentionality

Besedin Munoz-JimenezGueryWestcombeMacNeillCea, Elliott
C10: Complexity and Brain Organization

MiyaharaIslerTetsuoBar LevLahavManinder, Virmani

C11: Language and Autism

MizumotoO Bever , Pensotti, MertsalovBhatnagarRaiPowell

C12: Consciousness and Evolution

FredrikssonWhiteleyMorrisonBakker, BeranHamilton, Tirumalai  

C13: Meditation and Consciousness
AhujaKatyal, SaranGoldsteinBirchMishra, Willman

C14: Consciousness and Quantum Measurement

McQueen, Kathpalia, Bhaumik, RoyCamargo-Perez, Gunji, Brophy, Gunji 

C15: Consciousness and Models of Reality 2

KorotkovHaoying Liu, AwretAlessandrini, Goradia, AgarwalWillman, Allsop  

C16: Vibrations, Resonance and Consciousness

Roberts, BurgarellaSchoolerHunt, Kent, Katkova, Safin, Pyari, Krishnananda

Friday, June 9, 2017

5:00 to 7:55 pm 

C17: Explanatory Gap and Intentionality

EbbersJansenChoate, Black, Ruggeri, Allsop, Jianfeng Li, Xinyu Wei, Ruggeri, Ting-An Lin

C18: Neuroscience Topics

Dinis-Pereira, Yu Feng, ClarkPersuhSanguinettiLei Zhang, ToropovaBettinger

C19: Consciousness and Unconscious Processes

DeschepperGinzburgSix, StevensonGutmanNormanHedne

C20: Mind Body

McKusick, Jain, Mruthinti, Muehsam, Vieten, Yijun Liu,Ying-Tung Lin

C21: Artificial Intelligence and Models of Reality

PanovBeck, Shirtz, Charan, Singh, Ju Lee, Kanta Arora

C22: Consciousness and Models of Reality 3

KhabeevNarayanan, PyariJain, CortelKim, Vallederes

C23: Consciousness and the Arts

DayMenshikova, Colbert, Oberst, Kostiner, Malhotra, Idnani

C24: Quantum Ontologies 2

Hankey, NarayanRulin XiuKnoxKohlBlumGreen



Wednesday, June 7, 7:00 to 10:00 pm

Agarwal, Agarwal, Agarwal, Alakh, Azevedo, Bhasin, Bhasin, Bhat, Bhatnagar, 

Bommireddipalli, Buglo, Chellapilla, Datta, Gorjup, Gupta, Gupta, Gupta, Jois, Kapoor, Kent, Khan, Khatkale, Khurana, Kumar, 

Markan, Mathur,Mathur, Misra, Mittal, Pahl, Parmar, Paul, Poudel,  Prokash, 

Pyari, Ramchandran, Rana, D. Saini, A. Saini, Sandhu , Saravana, Satsangee, Satsangi,  Satsangi, Satsangi, Saxena, Sharma, Mathur, Shivhare, Singh, Sinha, Srivastava, Srivastava, Srivastava, Sundaram, Swami, Swaroop, ​Tiwari, Trivedi, Zadey



Friday, June 9, 7:00 to 10:00 pm

Aviv, Barbosa, Barsotti, Bozorgi, Brito, Chen, Chiarella, Coelho, Cohly, Costa, Costa, Daneshfard, Davis, Dzhaber, Galikova, Graca, Guta, Hong, Kashyap, Kozyreva, Lee, Mathur,Melkikh, Pankovski, Patil, Peerally, Plotke, Safina, 

Sarfarazi, Six, Sood, Swami, Usvapelto, Ventureyra, Vucolova, Wang, Williams, 

Wong, Zegarac, Zhang, Zhu 


Art-Tech-Health Exhibits

Wednesday and Friday 7:00-10:00 pm

Paul Thomas, New Visual Languages and the Speculative Nature of the Quantum Universe

Margaret Dolinsky, Creativity and its Mediation for Navigating between Reality and Virtual Reality

Jiyun Park, W[hole]ness - Scaling Consciousness/Cosmologies Through Geometry

Pam Payne, The Telenoetic Medium - Presentation of The Author's Video Artwork, A Mnemonic Device to Facilitate Meditative, Noetic States of Consciousness

Jens Pilegaard, Musings on Captured Moments

Naama Kostiner, Create Your Own Flow

Jeanne Marie Sanguinetti - Pac Man Line, Academy of Art, San Francisco, CA

Mimi Loup Brown, Artist, Pasadena, CA

Cyndi Sanguinetti, Artist, Pasadena, CA



Wednesday and Friday 7:00-10:00 pm


Vielight Inc.

Infrared Photomodulation and Neurofeedback for Alzheimer's disease

Marvin Berman


Soterix Medical

Transcranial Electrical Stimulation

Abhishek Datta


Roger Penrose Institute

Creativity Inspiration/Creativity Competition

James Tagg, Erik Viirre


Mclean Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Low Field Magnetic Stimulation

Michael Rohan


Arthur C. Clarke Center at UCSD


Sheldon Brown


University of Arizona Center for Consciousness Studies

Transcranial ultrasound ('TUS') program

Chris Chan, Betsy Bigbee, Stuart Hameroff, Jay Sanguinetti


National Institute of Material Science, Tsukuba, japan

Visualizing microtubule information processing

Anirban Bandyopadhyay


University of Alberta

Unfolding misfolded proteins to treat neurodegenerative disease

Jack Tuszynski

Wellness - Health


Daily 7:00 - 8:00 am                           

Mark Valladares, TennisCentric  


Daily 6:30-7:30 am and 4-5 pm         

Beryl Bender Birch, Yoga and Meditation 


Chopra Center

You Are The Universe Wellness Space 


Social Events  - badges required


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

7:00 to 10:00 pm

Opening Reception                


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

9:00 - 11:00 pm

Club Consciousness

'QUALIATIK', 'Dorian Electra and the Electrodes'           


Thursday, June 8, 2017

6:00 to 10:00 pm

Conference Banquet**  

Advance registration required $75* before May 25

Elaine Chew, Queen Mary University of London


Friday, June 9, 2017

10:00 pm to midnight

Club Consciousness

Elaine Chew, Queen Mary University of London

Scott Makeig - Brain Music Concert

'QUALIATIK', 'Dorian Electra and the Electrodes' 


Saturday, June 10, 2017

8:00 pm to ????

Poetry Slam, Talent Show, Finals: Creativity Competition

'End-of-Consciousness' Party


Sponsored by

The Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona 

('TSC' -  'The Science of Consciousness' conference series since 1994)

​The Center for Consciousness Science, The University of Michigan

Quantum Gravity Research, Los Angeles

Alvin J. Clark Foundation

The Roger Penrose Institute, La Jolla, California

The Bhaumik Institute of Theoretical Physics at UCLA (Mani Bhaumik Foundation)

The Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination, UCSD

Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India


Conference Program Committee

Stuart Hameroff (Chair),

Abi Behar-Montefiore, Betsy Bigbee, James Tagg,

Erik Viirre, Jay Sanguinetti,  Paavo Pylkkanen





University of Arizona   



Center for CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES TSC 2017 La Jolla  - Conference  

Hyatt Regency Hotel - La Jolla at Aventine

Link to group rate $199

3777 La Jolla Village Drive

San Diego, CA 92122 USA

Tel: +1 858 552 1234


Contact: Abi Behar Montefiore


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