INFOGRAPHIC: 5 Most Popular Evolution Books are 40 Years Obsolete

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Krishna Keshava Dasa

Sep 11, 2022, 8:19:01 AM9/11/22
Dear Sadhu-Sanga Google Group members,

Namaste. We are sharing this important infographic (attached below) for your sober consideration.

"The world’s 5 most popular evolution books are: College textbook Evolution by Douglas Futuyma; Selfish Gene, Extended Phenotype and Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins; and Why Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne. All sidestep and even dismiss the most vital discoveries of evolutionary biology. This Infographic details their omissions." (

Humble and respectful regards,
Krishna Keshava Das
Serving Assistant to
Sripad Bhakti Madhava Puri Maharaja, Ph. D.

Princeton Bhakti Vedanta Institute
of Spiritual Culture and Science


Sep 12, 2022, 1:42:14 AM9/12/22
That’s not unusual for textbooks. They are not reporting on cutting edge science.

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Krishna Keshava Dasa

Sep 12, 2022, 11:13:05 AM9/12/22
Dear Stitha Dhi Muni Prabhu,

Namaste. Please accept my humble dandavat pranam. The only textbook listed out of the 5 in the infographic was Evolution by D. Futuyma. The other 4/5 of the books were for public science education. It is important to note that the "Table has been updated to include the most recent editions of these books as of June 2021," as mentioned in the bit of nice further information included at the bottom of the infographic.

The point of sharing this was to show how that popular "science" books actually omit cutting edge work which does not support their own biased sectarian campaigns. I have highlighted 4 of the top 5 recent discoveries below (the ones which I am most familiar with) which serve to demonstrate the inappropriate application of reductionist frameworks when unbiasedly observing and drawing conclusions about nature. These discoveries were made and publically acknowledged in the 1940's and 70's, in addition to current work, so why are they not included in recent editions of these books published from 2008-2017? Below, we have also included descriptions of these books which misleadingly tell their public audiences that modern work is beinging considered and presented.   

  1. Evolution by Douglas Futuyma - 1st edition published in 2005 and most recent 4th edition in 2017  --- included in the 4th edition description: "Extensively rewritten and reorganized, this new edition of Evolution--featuring a new coauthor: Mark Kirkpatrick (The University of Texas at Austin)--offers additional expertise in evolutionary genetics and genomics, the fastest-developing area of evolutionary biology."
  2. Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins - 1st edition published in 1976 and most recent 4th edition in 2016 --- included in the 4th edition description: "This 40th anniversary edition includes a new epilogue from the author discussing the continuing relevance of these ideas in evolutionary biology today..."
  3. Extended Phenotype by Richard Dawkins - 1st edition published in 1982 and most recent edition in 2016
  4. Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins - 1st edition published in 1986 --- included in book description: "The Blind Watchmaker is the seminal text for understanding evolution today."
  5. Why Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne - 1st edition published in 2008 --- included in book description: "Why Evolution Is True weaves together the many threads of modern work in genetics, paleontology, geology, molecular biology, and anatomy that demonstrate the "indelible stamp" of the processes first proposed by Darwin."
Discoveries (5/17 in original infographic)
  1. Symbiogenesis - discussed as early as 1910 and received public recognition in 1971 from the work of Lynn Margulis --- mentioned in 2/3 Dawkins' booksdismissed by Futumya, and omitted by Coyne & 1/3 Dawkin's books
  2. ---
  3. Transposition - discovered by Barbara McClintock's observation of "jumping genes" in early 1950's. This discovery finally received recognition later on and she won the Nobel prize in 1983. --- omitted by Futumya, Coyne, & 3/3 Dawkin's books
  4. Epigenetics - discovered as early as 1942. Defined by the CDC as "the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence, but they can change how your body reads a DNA sequence." ---  dismissed by 3/3 Dawkins' books,  omitted by Futumya & Coyne
  5. Horizontal Gene Transfer - discovered as early as 1952. This undermines the concept of a tree of life, in favor of a network or "forest" of life. ---  mentioned by Futumya,  omitted by Coyne & 3/3 Dawkin's books

Humbly and respectfully in service,

John Jay Kineman

Sep 13, 2022, 4:32:43 AM9/13/22
Do they mention niche construction - Odling-Smee and Day?  Or give James Mark Baldwin credit for the role of learning in evolution? This emerged after my reading of earlier versions of Futyma. I don't take Dawkins very seriously except for the meme concept.
 There is indeed a lot missing in the standard theirt. My view us that these other factors have to be added, but that the passive selection theory is also correct but not complete. So it is OK to teach as a default mode when conscious factors are weak.

But Dawkins goes too far despite his own idea of memes. His idea of selfish genes is wrong except for viruses.


On Sep 12, 2022, at 9:16 AM, Krishna Keshava Dasa <> wrote:

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