June 28th One Year Bible Readings

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Mike - OYB

Jun 28, 2024, 12:08:24 AM (3 days ago) Jun 28
to Noreply-spamdigest via One Year Bible, Noreply-spamdigest via MySpace_OneYearBible

2 Kings 13:1-14:29 + Acts 18:23-19:12 + Psalm 146:1-10 + Proverbs 18:2-3
~ Click here to read today's Scripture on Bible Gateway ~
~ Listen to today's Scripture with Tom Dooley’s terrific NLT 1996 readings at this link or The ESV Bible: OT + NT + Psalms + Proverbs ~

Old Testament - Today we read about the passing of the prophet Elisha!  I am sad that our readings of Elijah and Elisha are now behind us. I don't know what it was about these 2 prophets, but I loved them.  Sure, they were a bit rough and gruff at times, but also very tender.  They'd send fire down from heaven to kill the prophets of Baal and bears from the trees to kill mockers, but then they'd care for widows.  I'm wondering if in our lives today we should be a mix of rough & gruff at times, but also very tender?  Should we be rough and gruff toward those that are modern day "prophets of Baal" and tender toward those who need God?  I have to confess, I'm rarely rough and gruff toward anyone - well, okay, maybe myself!  :)  Let me know your thoughts in the Comments below if you think rough and gruff should be in our personality mix at all today?  Before Elisha passes he does give one final prophecy to King Joash about beating the Arameans 3 times, just after 2 Kings 13 verses 16 & 17: "Then Elisha told the king of Israel to put his hand on the bow, and Elisha laid his own hands on the king's hands. Then he commanded, "Open that eastern window," and he opened it. Then he said, "Shoot!" So he did."


Then we read about Elisha's passing.  Even once Elisha passes on, his bones still give life!  I think this is simply because of the life-giving power of God whom Elisha represented during his life.  It wasn't the bones themselves that gave life.  It was God. Verses 20 & 21 tell us:  "Then Elisha died and was buried.  Groups of Moabite raiders used to invade the land each spring. Once when some Israelites were burying a man, they spied a band of these raiders. So they hastily threw the body they were burying into the tomb of Elisha. But as soon as the body touched Elisha's bones, the dead man revived and jumped to his feet!"  Below is an image from a woodcut from the Nuremberg Bible, from the year 1483, of the recovery of the deadman who touched the bones of Elisha in today's readings:


In 2 Kings 14 today we read about King Amaziah of Judah.  I'm not sure if you caught this - I barely did - but we read about the ancient city of Petra, which is located in modern day Jordan, in verse 7: "It was Amaziah who killed ten thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt. He also conquered Sela and changed its name to Joktheel, as it is called to this day."  Sela/Joktheel is the same city as Petra.  I'm curious if anyone reading this has visited the ruins of Petra in Jordan?  Can you post up reviews in the Comments?  Are they worth visiting?  I have heard they are incredible!  In fact, Bruce Feiler's book, Walking the Bible, has a wonderful chapter on Petra - I highly recommend this book! I hope to visit Petra someday.  A map of where Petra is located in comparison to Amman, Jordan, and Jerusalem is below.


New Testament - Today in our readings in Acts, we are introduced to Apollos!  Apollos loved God, but initially he didn't fully understand that Jesus gave believers the gift of the Holy Spirit. Apollos understood repentance of sins very well - that was the "baptism of John (The Baptist)" that he preached.  Repent from sins and be baptized was Apollos' message, without a strong teaching of the gift of the Holy Spirit after belief in Christ.  Well, Priscilla and Acquila more fully explained the Gospel and then Paul introduced the Holy Spirit to believers who were initially taught by Apollos before he learned the full Gospel.  A good overview of "Who was Apollos?" is at gotquestions.org at this link.  I love that they say at another commentary, "Apollos was teachable."  Inferring that you and I should be teachable too when it comes to our faith!  Are you teachable?  Or do you know it all?  :)


Psalms - I love Psalm 146 verse 9 today: "The LORD protects the foreigners among us. He cares for the orphans and widows."  If God protects foreigners, orphans and widows, should we protect these folks in our communities as well?  How in your life today are you caring for orphans and widows and foreigners?  Below is Psalm 146 verses 5 through 10 in another language (can anyone identify this language? I'm sure one of our readers can...), but I think we'll get the point of this image with these 5 verses (re-read verses 5 through 10 again and reflect on this image for a moment):


Proverbs - Proverbs 18 verse 2 remind you of anyone you know?  :) "Fools have no interest in understanding; they only want to air their own opinions." I am sure each of us is probably thinking of someone else... but I think maybe each of us needs to reflect on this Proverb and ourselves as well...  Do you literally listen twice as much as you talk?  (hence two ears, once mouth)  Do you truly listen to others to gain understanding of their point of view?   Or are you quick to rush to air your own opinions?  I know that personally I need to reflect on this one... Let us pray each of us has interest in understanding and not just in hearing ourselves talk talk talk!  Let us listen!

Worship Video: Today's Psalm and reading about Paul's life in Acts recently reminds me of the Avalon song "Testify to Love:"


Is Jesus your testimony? Click here and Testify to Love!

Please join us in memorizing and meditating on a verse of Scripture today: "Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save." Psalm 146:3 NIV

Prayer Point: Pray that you are not placing your hope or trust or worship in mere human beings, who cannot truly save you. Rather, pray that your allegiance is wholly to Jesus, as your LORD and savior.

Comments from You:  What verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings?  Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!

God bless,

p.s. Download our monthly Small Group study notes for our One Year Bible readings at this link.

p.s. #2 - Download a schedule of our One Year Bible readings for the year in PDF format at this link.

p.s. #3 - I would greatly appreciate it if you would pray for this One Year Bible Blog ministry today! Please also consider partnering with us by financially supporting this ministry. Thank you!

Posted at 09:05 PM | Permalink


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Mike I like your “rough and gruff” question. I for one believe we do not allow the Holy Spirit to tell us how to respond to any given situation or we suppress what we are being led to say and the tone we are being led to speak it in because we are in fear. We fear what others will think of us or that we will offend others. Many of us even believe that if we speak ever so gentile then the person or people we are speaking to will come running to the Lord either for Salvation or to Repentance.

I have been so “rough and gruff” from time to time when speaking or dealing with people at times I have even looked around and said, “Who said that?” I have even dealt gently with people who were out of control, belligerent and just plan “off-the-hook,” when I just wanted to bop the on the head. In a bible study I was leading on the unproductive fig tree, one of the people who lived on the street, a man, became so unruly because of the topic, he began cursing and shouted, “Why are you bringing up this Bible stuff?” I told him, “To seat down, shut up or leave; after all this is a church.” The authority, volume and intensity of my voice stunned even me. About 18 months latter, as I entered a subway train that a very seldom take I hear someone call my name. Recognizing no one on the I proceeded to take a seat. Again, I heard my name and then he added, “This is Padro.” Here before me was the man who had been out of control now in front of me in his right mind and I didn’t even recognize him. He had cleaned himself up, got into rehab, reconnected with his family and was going to church for a reason other than getting a free meal. I was absolutely stunned. When the original incident happened, there were none too few people rebuking me for my “attitude.” However, that “attitude” was what God used to speak to him.

When directed by the Holy Spirit, “rough and gruff” or “sweet as peaches,” God gives you the “attitude” needed to get the job done.

Grace and peace,

Posted by: Ramona

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