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some advice about the rename of mutiful files

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xf curiosity

May 28, 2023, 10:52:46 PM5/28/23
to OneCommander
When I want to rename the mutiful files to the same name, it comes out that it can only rename the buttom file, and the last files can not be renamed. Please check it. THX >.<


Emanuel Teixeira

May 29, 2023, 4:14:48 AM5/29/23
to OneCommander
in that matter, OC still doesn't work like win file explorer (not I'm aware of)

so to rename multiple files:

select files > right click > rename with file automator (or just press the robot head bottom-left buttons)

Milos Paripovic

Jun 2, 2023, 1:01:55 PM6/2/23
to OneCommander
Like Emanuel said, you need to use File Automator to rename multiple files. I will work on this but I'd like to see how it can be improved over what Explorer offers. I personally never needed to rename multiple files in explorer, as I didn't find the automatic adding of (#) useful, but is that something that everyone else expects?
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