Missing trip schedules in API trips-for-route responses

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Sean Cascketta

Nov 22, 2015, 1:53:18 PM11/22/15
to OneBusAway API, Luqmaan Dawoodjee

I'm trying to use Tampa's OBA API to get the trips for a route, as well as the stop times for those trips. To test this, I used the trips-for-location endpoint to find active trips (which are associated with routes). When I call the trips-for-route endpoint (with includeSchedules=true), the schedules are not included with the trips.

Here's what one of the trips looks like in the response from trips-for-route:

    "frequency": null,
    "schedule": null,
    "serviceDate": 1448168400000,
    "situationIds": [],
    "status": null,
    "tripId": "Hillsborough Area Regional Transit_98647"

As a location, I'm using the University Area Transit Center in Tampa at (28.066120, -82.430159).

Here's the call I'm making to find active routes:

Here's the call I'm making to get the trips for a route (there was an active trip belonging to route 5 in the response from the call above at the time I tested it):

Why are the schedules not included with the trips from trips-for-route?


Kurt Raschke

Nov 22, 2015, 5:15:21 PM11/22/15
to onebusa...@googlegroups.com, Luqmaan Dawoodjee
It looks like the name of the parameter is includeSchedule, not includeSchedules.

This appears to be a bug in the documentation for trips-for-route and trips-for-location; I'll file a patch.


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Sean Cascketta

Nov 22, 2015, 10:49:14 PM11/22/15
to OneBusAway API, ldawo...@gmail.com
Ah yep, that's right. Thanks!
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