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FINAL CALL - Submissions for Next Issue of Ontario Insects

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Mar 10, 2024, 8:01:47 PM3/10/24
to Ontario Butterflies
Hello all:

Next deadline is Friday, March 15th, with submissions made after that date published at the discretion of the Editor and if there is space available. Articles, photographs, announcements, and so on. Please mail submissions to

Also, next TEA meeting by Zoom will be the annual student symposium:

Saturday, March 23, 2024. 1 pm - 3:30 pm.

We have a couple of speakers confirmed but have room for a few more. We normally aim for 6-8 talks. Graduate students, senior undergraduates and postdoctoral fellows are eligible to present a talk about their work with insects or arachnids (no posters this year). Students interested in participating should contact Dr. David Beresford, Academic Coordinator of the symposium at with a provisional title by March 8. Talks will be limited to 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions. Abstracts of the talks (250 words) will be published in the TEA newsletter Ontario Insects. Please note the TEA awards a $800 research grant annually (the Glenn Richardson Award) to a student at an Ontario university studying insects or arachnids. An award of $500. for excellence in science writing will be awarded thanks to a donation from an anonymous donor.

Guests can request a Zoom link by sending an email to:

Monarchs are now arriving and laying eggs on emerging milkweed in southern Texas.
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