Insect decline? Fewer butterflies in Pelee Island count concern organizer

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Aug 3, 2023, 12:44:21 PM8/3/23
to Ontario Butterflies

Monarchs arrived late in Ontario, so I question whether this is the "4th generation" for most Ontario monarchs? Would be interesting to see the monarch count for various butterfly counts this year compared to previous years.

"In particular, monarch butterflies counted dropped to 74 from 380 in 2019, but recent rain storms may have delayed their appearance, said Bowles. The butterfly count wasn’t held for the last three years due to COVID-19.

As well, the timing might have been off for monarchs, now in their fourth generation, with migration south occurring at the end of August, he said. “So we were a little early. I think the cold and wind might have delayed things, so they’re not quite out, some of them.”

“Overall, insect numbers are dropping, especially dragonflies and butterfly species.”"

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