Today, April 28th Jim Burk sent out an alert to the Pelee Rare Butterfly WhatsApp group that he had seen a Juvenal's Dusky-Wing at the Dunes picnic area along the West Beach hiking trail.
As I read this message shockingly as I had only seen this species 2 or 3 times previously in the park I was astonished to see two males (I guess 🤷♂️) doing the territorial “whirl to the sky” in front of me 🧐
Immediately my friend I was with, Deanna Dunn photographed the species upon my request (photo attached…great job Deanna).
As we continued north along WBFP uncountable Red Admirals and Am. Lady’s were observed as well as a fresh Spring Azure (still as it’s getting late with this early season) whizzing by at 2 or 3 every 10 seconds.
By the end of this relatively short walk the final total for Juvenal's was 11 including one other by Brett and Vicky (with photos) and then two in total from Jim was 14.
As I researched into this rare event at Pelee this surpasses the previous record early date of May 4th 1991 but does not exceed the record one day high count of 66 which perhaps it could be superseded give more time today or tomorrow.
Alan listed this species at Pelee as “Rare to Uncommon Immigrant and Temporary Resident
— Rare Permanent Resident?”
At Pelee this is a complicated species but also permanent resident north and south of here (Windsor) however with todays event when you consider the movement of AMPL and READ and also Clouded Sulphurs (+30) and a very early Common Buckeye (Brandon Holden at West Beach parkinglot) also heading north which have also been reported in just one day across Essex County today including Windsor (and no doubt further afield from there) from what I’m seeing locally so far the butterfly season still has quite a bit of potential similar to 2012.
I consider all of the JEDW we saw today immigrants as zero have been seen by me or others yesterday.
Interesting and also possibly related we had a flash sighting of what I believe was a Painted Skimmer Dragonfly in same location also early and questionable about the origin?
Attached are a few images from Jim Burk (first two showing fresh individuals) and Deanna Dunn photographing worn JEDW.