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Nina Trankova

Apr 6, 2020, 4:22:38 AM4/6/20
to On e Board

Hi dear On E Board public Google group members!

Our guest for May is the member of this group Alex. Do you remember Alex's yearly Commuitemt? Do you remember your own Commitment 2020? 

It's April now, with or without the coronavirus, Spring has come! It's Resurrection! No better moment to bring our yearly Commitments to revival! 




Sustainable Progress



Questions-Answers- Research

Simple Trackable Achievable

Success in all areas of my life




From my part, starting the 'Online Home" series together with the Moderators Monika, Peggy and Bob is a magnificent experience. I'm thankful for the togetherness on air, the awareness of collaboration online and constant thriving to help more professionals's voices reach out to a larger audience. In other circumstances predicting the online home for each and all professionals would make us famous. I didn't mean the emergency for sure. I only envisioned the long term transformation. How does this sound or does it even matter at present? Learning from our conversation with Alex, it's a process, approach, a never ending personal and society growth.         


Here's my post across my social media profiles. What Alex is saying is not to be missed therefore please, listen, comment and share on your profiles so others can understand and learn! 


For our personal growth,  please, add your own personal assessment about your Commitment 2020 right now, today! Are you in the direction intended? Add your thoughts below in comments or if you prefer, write it down on your notebook.

Stay healthy!


"The basic measures are not self-explanatory because it's about protecting others. It's not about protecting yourself, it's about protecting others"

I'd like to add information here about our talk live on air for the #OnEBoard series we have been doing since January.
On the 22nd March we had the privilege to listen to one of the top National and World experts in respiratory lung diseases,technology geek and futurist Alexander Simidchiev.

Watch the video and listen to Alex's medical insights on the coronavirus

"Limiting the spread and reducing mortality. The two can only happen if we do it as a society. It cannot happen if we do it as individuals"

*I urge you to make 20 min and watch the whole conversation by clicking on the [i] on the upper left of the video. Second: write down a phrase you find most important and share it on your profile. Tag #GoodDayDoctors

Please, subscribe to #OnEBoard channel:…

Stay healthy!

Nina Trankova

Apr 6, 2020, 4:29:43 AM4/6/20
to On e Board
Stay tuned for our Spring Creative Work series. Monika will be announcing soon! 

Spread the word and invite others to the shared album as soon as the announcement goes live. Let's be the support many need online for sunny spring vibes and healing! 

Stay healthy!

Brigitte Uras

Apr 6, 2020, 7:09:06 AM4/6/20
to On e Board
merci à vous !

Nina Trankova

Apr 6, 2020, 8:22:16 AM4/6/20
to On e Board
Thank you, Svetlana for your engagement and support in times when the noise online is preventing professional voices like Alex's to get through, to send important information many need to listen to. 

Very Appreciated!

Stay healthy!
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