OnEBoard Chat September

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OnEBoard Network

Sep 4, 2023, 2:44:43 PM9/4/23
to On e Board
Dear OnEBoard friends, 

We are now in September! Let's adopt to the autumn season coming!

This Sunday we had an educatonal session on the Internet Fragmentation.
What is the Internet Fragmentation?
How is the Internet Fragmentation happening?
How can we prevent the Internet Fragmentation?
📚It's a serious complicated problem Andrew Sullivan is addressing in this Forbes article:

Next Sunday, 10 September we are having Molly for the Google Ad Grans for another educational chat session! 
What is Google Ad Grant? 
Who Qualifies for a Google Ad Grant?   
What is Included with a Google Ad Grant?  

And on 17 September we are having Peggy for  one more educational topic: Encryption!

September is the learning month OnEBoard! Spread out te word!  

Looking forward to meet you virtually then! 


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