TCP Application Issue in INETMANET Framework 4

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Mikail Yilan

Feb 20, 2020, 3:14:13 AM2/20/20
I have encountered an unstable issue when I use TCP app in INETMANET framework 4. Below are the steps to recreate issue.

1. 2 ad hoc hosts are installed with TCP app and made to send packets to each other. They are working fine.
2. Progressively, 2 more hosts are added at each step until total number of hosts become 28. Until now, there is no issue. When there are 28 hosts, there are 28 TCP connections.
3. When 2 more hosts (Let's say A and B) are added, A sends packets to B, but B does not send packets to A. That is, only 29 TCP connections are working out of 30.
4. When there are more than 30 hosts, total number of intact TCP connections is observed sometimes 28 or sometimes 2. From here on, some unpredictable working patterns are observed.

How can this issue be solved?

Below are the properties of TCP connection used:

**.A.tcpApp[0].typename = "TCPSinkApp"
**.A.tcpApp[0].localPort = 1003

**.B.tcpApp[0].typename = "TCPSessionApp"  
**.B.tcpApp[0].active = true
**.B.tcpApp[0].connectAddress = "A"
**.B.tcpApp[0].connectPort = 1003
**.B.tcpApp[0].tOpen = 2s  
**.B.tcpApp[0].tSend = 2.5s  
**.B.tcpApp[0].sendBytes = 150B
**.B.tcpApp[0].tClose = 3.5s

It has to be noted that same scenario was working fine in INETMANET framework 3. Also, when a similar scenario with UDP applications were run in INETMANET framework 4, the simulation have run as expected.
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