C++ indexer problem: "Could not find symbol 'omnetpp' in index", probably 5.0b2 BUG?

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Xin Zuo

Sep 14, 2015, 3:31:14 PM9/14/15
to OMNeT++ Users
Hi all, 

I have met a problem regarding the eclipse C++ indexer, after upgrading to 5.0b2 recently.
Everything works fine, except that the nedtool generated subclass from cPacket seems unknown by the indexer, so that the IDE can't pop out anything when hang the mouse over the those member functions inherited from cPacket, and the bottom-left corner in the IDE window shows red warning, "Could not find symbol 'omnetpp' in index", or "Could not find symbol 'cPacket' in index".

The generated header file looks like " class MyPacket : public ::omnetpp::cPacket ".
And the warning appears when trying to find the declaration of omnetpp or cPacket, BUT the project can be correctly compiled and runs without any problems.
I manually removed name scope part "::omnetpp::", then the indexer can correctly jump into cpacket.h, when clicking on cPacket or any places that a member function is invoked by a object.

I have followed the change log to add "using namespace omnetpp" into all the header files in the project.
Still, I can not understand the reason of this indexing problem.
It looks like some bug to me.

Can anyone explain it please? Or the bug can be added to "TO FIX" list in next patch, if I happened to be right.
Sorry, if I was too wordy...

Thank you guys in advance,

Michael Kirsche

Sep 15, 2015, 8:36:43 AM9/15/15
to OMNeT++ Users
If you can reproduce this faulty behavior on a fresh installation / different system, you should fill a new bug entry on the OMNeT/INET bugtracker.
This way, OMNeT developers will look into this and determine where the error lies.


Xin Zuo

Sep 16, 2015, 5:50:30 AM9/16/15
to OMNeT++ Users
I do have re-installed omnetpp, but not on a different system.
And the problem is that I am not really sure if this is a bug...
Its just that the indexer can't recognize "::omnetpp::cPacket", which is generated by nedtool, and I cannot find any errors in my mind-compiler...
So... I came here for help...
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