SimuLTE: LteMacUe Error EmptyBuffer (after handover?)

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Daniel Bischoff

Dec 20, 2019, 12:53:08 PM12/20/19
to OMNeT++ Users
Dear OMNeT++ Community,

my setup is as follows:
Inet 3.6.6
SimuLTE 1.1.0
Veins 5.0
SUMO 1.0.0

I am generating Packet Traffic with 3 UDP Apps on the LTE link in the Erlangen Scenario from Veins. The simulation throws an error after around 180 seconds simulation time (and a lot of packets being send)
   Empty buffer for cid 1234568, while expected SDUs were 1
This does not happen, if i just have one registered UDP App (at least not in this scenario). With 2 UDP apps it happens at an other time. Furthermore, the error was far more early with an old version of simulte.

I further investigated, that this error does not occur, if i deactivate handover in the OMNET.

My guess currently is, that after the Queue of the MAC Buffer is deleted (which is the case after a handover) there is a very small chance, that macPduMake() is called and the scheduleList searchs for CID in the mbuf which was deleted before.

I was wondering why the scheduleList is not cleared in the deleteQueue() Method.

On the other hand, this error should than occur more frequently and I have already simulated a lot of traffic with SimuLTE and this is the first time, I am getting this error.

I hope you can help me with that.


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