Thanks for the update.
FYI, please be aware of this Withings change to their endpoint which doesn’t work with the current Shim:
Fortunately, to date, they haven’t shut off the old endpoint. Has anyone successfully implemented a fix for this?
Larry Garber, M.D.
Medical Director for Informatics
Associate Medical Director of Research
Reliant Medical Group
5 Neponset Street
Worcester, MA 01606
From: <>
On Behalf Of fuller.daniel
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2021 12:40 PM
To: omh-developers <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [omh-developers] A few news items
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Hi all,
A few news items for you:
1. Simona has published a new blog post about the IEEE P1752 standards. You can find it here:
2. We have hired a part time developer to work on updating the Shims and being more responsive to GitHub and other issues. Welcome Meng Wang to the group.
3. We will be working on updating the schemas for Open mHealth to the new IEEE standards in the coming months.
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