iEMSs workshop | Invitation from the Open Modeling Foundation's Director

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Jun 24, 2024, 9:51:24 AMJun 24

The Open Modeling Foundation has organized a workshop session at this year's International Modeling and Software Society Biennial Congress. If you are attending the iEMSs meeting, please join us there next Wednesday, 26 June, 3:30-5:30pm EDT, in the Centennial Room. 

If you are not attending, we are working to make it possible for you to attend remotely. We have set up a zoom session and will do our best to make it work for remote attendees. Here is the Zoom link:

    Password: 183130

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    Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 
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    Meeting ID: 837 4774 5220
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The title of the workshop is: Fostering and Sustaining FAIR in Modeling Science 

It will be organized as a panel discussion, with audience engagement. The panel will include:

Stefan Reis (or iEMSs president-elect), OMF Members Council (in person)
Caroline Rosello, Standards Working Group (in person)
Sandra Gesing, Certification Working Group (remote)
Junzhi Liu, Education & Outreach Working Group (in person)
Allen Lee, Cyberinfrastructure Working Group (in person)
Takuya Iwanaga, Early Career Scholars Working Group (in person)
Dale Rothman, model developer and user (in person)

Moderator: Michael Barton, OMF Director (in person)

Here is the workshop abstract:

Making models FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) is a widely shared goal among modeling scientists. Initiating and sustaining the scientific practices needed to realize this goal will be challenging, however. It requires additional time, effort, and a conceptual shift to move beyond developing models to meet specific research or policy aims, to developing models that also can be used or extended by others.  

Community-wide standards can help to enable FAIR-aligned practices in modeling social and environmental systems. However, it is equally important to create incentives for organizations and individual researchers to engage in these practices as well as software tools and clear guidance that make it easier to make a model FAIR. The Open Modeling Foundation (OMF) was established recently as a federation of modeling science organizations (including iEMSs) to promote community-wide standards for best practices in modeling. It also endeavors to incentivize FAIR practice through a combination of recognition, rewards, and requirements. Model users need to be able to identify models that meet FAIR standards, and developers who create models that meet such standards need to be professionally recognized.

In this workshop, representatives of OMF Working Groups will offer brief introductory presentations about how the modeling community can establish the necessary feedbacks between incentives and standards for FAIR-aligned practice. These presentations will be aimed at stimulating round table discussions among attendees to this workshop. Special emphasis will be on establishing a professional culture to support FAIR practice among early career researchers who will become the next generation of modeling scientists. We invite researchers and practitioners from all experience levels to join us in the discussion on incentives to stimulate FAIR practices in modeling (both inside and outside academia).

Michael Barton
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