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Upcoming new system for addon registration on

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Oct 18, 2017, 2:54:04 PM10/18/17
to Omeka Dev
Hello Omekans,

As part of our upcoming release of Omeka S 1.0.0, we are also redesigning, including our system for distributing plugins, themes, and modules for both Omeka Classic and Omeka S. The current system for adding your Omeka Classic themes and plugins with be retired and archived. Registering your addons will now happen via a system based on GitHub repositories.

Developers who have contributed addons (themes, modules, and plugins, both for Omeka Classic and Omeka S) must register the GitHub repository for their addons at this form.

Please see the documentation on the minimum requirements for an addon to be registered successfully.

Once your addon is successfully registered, we hope that this change will help the Omeka community keep up to date with the latest and greatest of your work and contributions.

The system and new site will be launched approximately mid November. We encourage you to register your addons early, though, to make sure that they are available upon the launch.

A reminder, as part of the same transition, we are retiring this Google Group as a discussion space. Instead, we have created spaces in our new forum at for Omeka S developer questions and for Omeka Classic developer questions, and at for publicizing your work for either. Issues and pull requests are of course welcome on the appropriate GitHub repository. We at RRCHNM will continue use this channel to push out notifications of important developments and future plans for Omeka Classic and Omeka S, and will publicize in those forum spaces as well.

Many thanks for all your work,

Patrick Murray-John
Director of Omeka Developer Outreach
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