Image replacement for navigation elements

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Doug Palmer

Jan 1, 2017, 2:27:19 AM1/1/17
to Omeka Dev

(Actually, I feel that I should be saying something like "Greetings and
Salutations Omekans")

The theme I'm working on has a top navigational menu. It also has a
footer with the main menu entries in it. I'd like to experiment with
using image replacement on the bottom links, so that more icon-y type
people have some visual navigation cues.

I'd assumed that I would simply be able to use some CSS linked to
element ids. However, the navigation menu seems to be generated from
deep within Omeka/Zend. Could anybody advise me on whether to, and how
to, attach identifiers to the menu entries? (The other option I'm
considering is adding icons to simple pages so that they can be
substituted by jQuery during loading.)

Would anybody be able to give me some advice?


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