Greetings and Salutations, again.
I'm looking at adding user-selected sort to the [items] shortcode
for the BigStuff theme. What I've ended up with is putting a wrapper
around shortcodeItems. So, in functions.php, I have the code:
/** Wrap the sortable shortcode */
add_shortcode('items', 'bigstuff_sortable_items_shortcode');
function bigstuff_sortable_items_shortcode($args, $view) {
$sortLinks = array(
__('Title') =>'Dublin Core,Title',
__('Creator') => 'Dublin Core,Creator',
__('Date') => 'Dublin Core,Date',
__('Date Added') => 'added'
$sort_field = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->getParam('sort_field') ?: 'added';
$sort_dir = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->getParam('sort_dir') ?: 'a';
$args['sort'] = $sort_field;
$args['order'] = $sort_dir;
$content = '<div class="item-shortcode">';
$content .= '<div id="sort-links"><span class="sort-label">' . __('Sort by: ') . '</span>' . browse_sort_links($sortLinks) . '</div>';
$content .= '<div class="item-list">';
$content .= Omeka_View_Helper_Shortcodes::shortcodeItems($args, $view);
$content .= '</div></div>';
return $content;
The result is a list with a set of sort options at the top, similar to what appears in the item browse list.
Have I done anything unspeakably heinous here? Or, even if not inherently evil, is there a better way of adding to the codes?