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The electromagnetic radiation will cause cancer

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03.01.2009, 03:07:2703.01.09
an omeg...@googlegroups.com
The first story illustrates how many Chinese citizens are aware about
the dangers of electro magnetic radiation. It also illustrates the
stupidity of the Chinese authorities who insist on placing a massive
transformer station close to a large population and many homes. Surely
their actions will be examined and eventually they will have to answer
for making such a big mistake?

The second story indicates how desperate people are to be able to
sleep. It is a well known fact that electro magnetic radiation causes
severe sleep problems, I can vouch for this through my own experiences.
It is another fact, that many people are filling there homes with
microwave radiation from devices that emit this dangerous electrical
pollution. Look at the costs to productivity and imagine the health
costs. Surely Health Canada should have the decency to advise these
poor people how they may get relief from their agony of sleeplessness by
avoiding electro magnetic radiation.

The third story is self explanatory and shows how quickly and seriously
electro magnetic fields can cause adverse health effects.

Martin Weatherall
www.weepinitiative.org <http://www.weepinitiative.org>


Protests Against Transformer Station Erupt in Guangdong Residential Area

By Gu Qinger
Epoch Times Staff Jan 1, 2009


*_Canadians spend millions drinking just to sleep: study_*
*_Quebec insomnia survey points to worrying national trend_*

Sharon Kirkey
Canwest News Service

Friday, January 02, 2009


*Email received on 1-1-09 by Joanne Mueller* (sender's name and address

This Christmas my wife got me an electric blanket, which I used only
this last Monday night and Tuesday night. Both Tuesday and Wednesday I
really struggled with my asthma, having to use Albuterol the maximum
allowable times both days. I almost took myself to the emergency room.
When I came home from work yesterday I immediately got on the computer
and Googled asthma and electric blankets...something just told me that
that might be causing the problem...and found your report on the
subject. After reading your report on the research you have done on
electromagnetic field/electromagnetic radiation I immediately took off
the electric blanket, and last night I slept with regular blankets.
Today, much to my relief, I am feeling at least 50% to 75% better!

Email: jcmpe...@aol.com WEBSITE: http://guineapigsrus.org

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