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Why Laptop Computers should not be Used on Your Lap

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Apr 22, 2017, 10:21:21 AM4/22/17
How to reduce radiation from laptop?
Recently article “The Fundamental Reasons Why Laptop Computers should not be Used on Your Lap” has been published ( .
This study indicates that using laptop computers on the lap adversely affects the male reproductive health. When it is placed on the lap the electromagnetic fields generated by laptop's internal electronic circuits may decrease sperm quality.
In 2011-2012 several Finnish newspapers have published article with similar heading (in Finnish- Sylimikroa ei kannata pitää sylissä). See: . In the article we wrote that both the electromagnetic fields and ELF magnetic fields can affect negatively on health. We have suggested using external USB mouse and USB keyboard to reduce influence of all detrimental fields.
Please note, this method is also suit for tablets and smart phones. In this case user perhaps should  buy additional OTG cable and USB hub(passive or active). Unfortunately several devices do not work with the USB mouse and/or the USB keyboard.
How about essential reducing WiFi radiation?
You can do in such way:
1. Switch off an internal WiFi adapter.
2. Add an external USB WiFi adapter and an external WiFi antenna using a long USB cable and/or a long RF cable.
3. Place the radiating WiFi antenna in far away from the laptop. In some cases you would use  a short USB cable placing the WiFi antenna behind a shield. For example, the WiFi antenna could be placed behind thin metal foil on top cover of the laptop.
In real situation, total radiation (from modem- 4G and WiFi and from external USB  adapters-WiFi) near two computers with external USB WiFi adapters was up to 14 µW/m2.
Recommendation of the PACE is value of the radiation should be up to 100 µW/m2.

Georgiy Ostroumov, Ph.D.
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