From: JCMPelican
CC:,, JCMPelican
Sent: 9/5/2009 9:51:09 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Fwd: AGING/BruceN.Ames Ph.D/JUVENON...Goodman&Blank;Lai&Singh EMFs....
From: JCMPelican
To: JCMPelican
Sent: 9/5/2009 9:45:57 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: AGING/BruceN.Ames Ph.D/JUVENON...Goodman&Blank;Lai&Singh EMFs....
SUBJECT: AGING...."the UGLY TRUTH!" ..... AGING/BruceN.Ames Ph.D/JUVENON...Goodman&Blank;Lai&Singh EMFs....QUESTION: WHEN WILL SCIENTISTS BE ABLE TO EARN MONEY FOR THEIR WORK AND ALSO INFORM PUBLIC RE NEED FOR PRUDENT AVOIDANCE RE CLOSE ELECTRIC FIELD EXPOSURES?[ File note: JUVENON website states: ".....mitochondrial damage occurs as we age.....{not verbatim)..." No information re Dr. Reba Goodman's work re EMF's (or vast library of EMF/EMR studies, books, conferences, etc.). "Aging" occurs due to oxidative stress and resultant chronic inflammation among other biochemical changes. "Aging" is what happens to cells that turn to cancer. "Aging" is why our two grandsons' immune deficiencies (pre-Leukemic blood changes) were said to be "rare" -- IgG subclass 1 and 3 deficiency not seen in infants but rather 10 yr. and older and even then not common..... Grandsons improved dramatically once BR electric field exposures were reduced therefor increasing their natural ability to produce melatonin (review melatonin re anti-aging -- Reiter et al).....9-05-09.....jcm.....]See: Blank & Goodman:Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
Volume 75 Issue 3, Pages 369 - 374Published Online: 26 Oct 1999
Copyright © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc., A Wiley Company
Abstract | References | Full Text: PDF (Size: 196K) | Related Articles | Citation Tracking
Research Article
Electromagnetic fields may act directly on DNA Martin Blank 1 *, Reba Goodman 2 1Department of Physiology, Columbia University, New York, New York 10032
2Department of Pathology, Columbia University, New York, New York 10032
email: Martin Blank ( *Correspondence to Martin Blank, Department of Physiology, Columbia University, 630 West 168th Street, New York, NY 10032.
DNA; electromagnetic fields; stress genes; initiation of transcription
A wide variety of environmental stimuli induce the expression of stress response genes, including high temperatures, hypoxia, heavy metal ions, and amino acid analogs. Stress genes are also induced by low frequency magnetic fields. The cellular response to magnetic fields is activated by unusually weak stimuli, and involves pathways only partially associated with heat shock stress. Since magnetic fields interact with moving charges, as we have shown in enzymes, it is possible that magnetic fields stimulate the stress response by interacting directly with moving electrons in DNA. In this paper, we review several lines of evidence that support this hypothesis. J. Cell. Biochem. 75:369-374, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Received: 14 April 1999; Accepted: 15 April 1999
See Lai and Singh:
DNA Damage From Magnetic Fields Linked To Iron In Cells
... devices as hair dryers, electric blankets and razors, can damage brain cell DNA, ... Since Lai first reported findings of magnetic field-induced DNA damage in ... Lai and Singh hypothesize that exposure to magnetic fields affects the ... And most household appliances - blow dryers, razors, electric blankets, ...
Electromagnetic Fields, Leukaemia and DNA Damage
DNA damage in brain cells blocked by anti-oxidants. But other biological effects have emerged. In January 2004, Henry Lai and Narendra Singh of the ... - 33k -
[ File note: "Melatonin" is one of anti-oxidants mentioned in above report.....jcm....9-05-09....]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: JCMPelican
To: JCMPelican
Sent: 9/5/2009 9:07:01 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: AGING....Bruce N. Ames, Ph.D. ...JUVENON
JUVENON - Bruce N. Ames, Ph.D. - Co-inventor of Juvenon(Founder, Director, and Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board) is a Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Ames is also Senior Scientist, Children’s Hospital of Oakland Research Institute. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and he was on their Commission on Life Sciences. He was a member of the board of directors of the National Cancer Institute, the National Cancer Advisory Board, from 1976 to 1982.He was the recipient of a leading award for cancer research, the General Motors Cancer Research Foundation Prize (1983), a leading award in environmental achievement, the Tyler Prize (1985), the Gold Medal Award of the American Institute of Chemists (1991), the Glenn Foundation Award of the Gerontological Society of America (1992), and the Lovelace Institutes Award for Excellence in Environmental Health Research (1995), the Achievement in Excellence Award of the Center for Excellence in Education (1996), the Honda Prize of the Honda Foundation, Japan (1996), the Japan Prize, (1997), and the Kehoe Award, American College of Occupational and Environmental Med. (1997), the Medal of the City of Paris (1998), the Joseph Priestley Award (1998), and the U.S. National Medal of Science (1998). His over 400+ publications have resulted in his being among the few hundred most-cited scientists in all fields: 23rd most cited (1973-1984).
Professor Ames has been the international leader in the field of mutagenesis and genetic toxicology for over 20 years. His work has had a major impact on, and changed the direction of, basic and applied research on mutation, cancer, and aging. The development of the Ames mutagenicity test as a practical tool for the detection of potential carcinogens has led to its use in over 3000 laboratories and in all of the major drug and chemical companies, where it has had a major influence in weeding out mutagenic chemicals while it is cheap to do so and before they are introduced into commerce. Dr. Ames' current research focuses on the oxidative damage to DNA and its relationship to mutagenesis, carcinogenesis and the degenerative diseases of aging. His main interest is in the prevention of cancer and other degenerative diseases of aging.
Google search re Juvenon:Natural Cellular Health Supplements, Slow the Aging Process - ...By combining a natural, energy-boosting component (acetyl L-carnitine) with a powerful anti-oxidant (alpha lipoic acid), Juvenon™ Cellular Health Supplement ... - 21k - Similar pages