OWS Disrupts "GreenTech's" Smart Grid Conference

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25.03.2013, 00:59:4625.03.13
an omeg...@googlegroups.com

OWS Disrupts Greentech's Smart Meter, Grid Conference/Our Protest/Al Gore's Response to Our Protest...    


Sometimes people don't make it to the end of an email if it is not short, so I have posted the only interviews I have been able to get a hold of up front. Please watch, listen and read them and then please read the rest of the email for info on our smart meter/smart grid protest.  I am now on a new server, Earthlink and Hotmail had blocked my emails in the passed, so If you are getting this email and do not want it, my apologies and just hit the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email.



Part of my interview with GreenTech - special thanks to Glendale Action for footage.  

Not Safe Not Green

Press TV also did a story - Really great to have OWS finally involved in this issue!!!   


Julie Levine's FANTASTIC interview on Progressive Radio Network - starts at 8:22 - 25:50  - Julie, who had to sell her home due to smart grid, helped organize this protest with me and brought in OWS! 


GreenTech article - (they sponsored the conference - for an industry article, the reporter gave us some fairly unbiased coverage so kudos to them!!) 



Before The Protest

Not sure where to start with the endless drama around our recent little event...how about Go Daddy blocking my press release a few days prior so I was unable to send to you or any press about it.  Their explanation?..."Government crackdown"!  What the government is cracking down on I have no idea, but every dark cloud has a silver lining...am in the process of leaving Go Daddy over this and am now with an awesome new list service - thus the fancy shmancy news letter format :)  A word to the wise, NEVER USE GO DADDY (or should I say government henchmen) for emails!!  


The Protest

Our protest had a fabulous turn out with members from OWSLA (Occupy Wall Street LA), The Tea Party, Citizens For Property Rights - Ventura, Topangans For A Radiation Free Community, Citizens For A Radiation Free Community, Topanga Peace Alliance, plaintiffs from our Edison/smart meter lawsuit and others who just don't want to get cancer, heart attacks, seizures and other health effects, have their house burned, be overcharged or have their privacy invaded by these dangerous meters and grid!!


Us Waking with
                                                    Sign Stop Smart
                                                    Meters Sign  


We gathered in front of the Four Seasons Hotel for the conference sponsored by  http://www.greentechmedia.com/  with attendees (including presidents of these corporations) from Edison, PG@E, SDG@E, SMUD, Arizona Public Service and other national smart players gathered to discuss how to further financially and otherwise exploit the deadly smart meters and equally deadly smart grid. 


OWS Disrupts "GreenTech" Conference

We had some audience plants (dressed up Occupiers) inside the conference who bravely spoke out and when one was escorted out by security, the next would stand and speak.  There were 3 of them.  We met them when they walked out, in front of the Four Seasons where our protest was already in full force.  The hotel staff were quick to call the police and we respectfully obeyed their demand to get off the Four Seasons property.  But prior to this, we made a big enough stink that a couple of reporters came out to interview us, so that helped make up for lack of emailing out a proper press release.


  Anonymous Medic Us Walking


After we were kicked off the Four Seasons property, we went to the streets at a very busy intersection and just started shouting to passers by and drivers with our bullhorn and holding our signs.


After The Protest

A very interesting thing transpired from one of the interviews.  A reporter from "GreenTech" interviewed me, posted it on Green Tech's blog site and evidently, Al Gore who is HEAVILY invested in this technology (to the tune of $75,000,000 with Silver Springs - manufacturers of smart meters)  commented on our protest!  I have posted the GreenTech interview above (4th link from top) that drew the Al Gore response, along with a (very poor version) of a copy of the page that had his comment on it, which has since been removed from the site.  Here is the comment prior to his and his is below it...


Al Gore's



"But I guess smoking is an acceptable health hazard, as can be seen by the protester in the picture."  


...and here is what Al Gore wrote above... 


"Right.....and even though we can opt out as individuals wrt smoking  what about the secondhand smoke?  Unbelievably hypocritical........"  (wrt stands for with regards to).   


Al Gore basically likens smart meter and smart grid emissions to second hand smoke!!!  How's that for "green technology"?! 


Al Gore is one of the largest stake holders in smart meters/smart grid and has a LOT at stake were this carcinogenic surveillance endeavor to fail.  He also was in LA this week for we believe this event and an LADWP event.  We do not think Green Tech would ever allow for it's users to impersonate their "Grand Poobah" of smart meters/smart grid on it's website.   


So we do believe this to be the real deal.  Also in an effort at damage control, his posting was removed almost immediately after it was posted.  I just so happen to have a very bad habit of leaving about 50 windows open on my desktop, so I still had it and took a screenshot of it above. (his comment) and below made a sloppy and very hard to see PDF of the entire web page (his comment in connection with our protest - I had to downsize it due to space on this server).   

Al Gore on

I can email a legible looking copy of this pdf if anyone would like it.  We will be following up with Al Gore to try and get his opinion on how a carcinogenic product and infrastructure can be considered "green".  Although I have held Al Gore in very high esteem in the passed, my opinion on that changed when I found out about his vested interest in this damaging and invasive technology.  Smart meters and smart grid are just another "Inconvenient Truth" that Al Gore must eventually come to terms with.     

My Smart Meter
                                                    Sign Smart Meters Kill!


I realize the above picture on the left is graphic, but that was the sign I held for our protest.  Cancer is not pretty, not smart, not green, it hurts and can kill.  If anyone would like to use these or any other signs in a protest you are having please contact me and I will send you the pdfs.   


Special thanks to "Food Not Bombs" for our delicious lunch!  Have a wonderful day (or evening) and remember, "smart is the new dumb"!   


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