Palin's Speech to Nowhere
Will Bunch, The Philadelphia Daily News: "Sarah Palin delivered a
great speech tonight -- for her party, for John McCain, for herself,
for what she set out to accomplish.... The pundits are fawning over it
as I write this -- Tom Brokaw said she could not have been 'more
winning and more engaging' -- and in a world that is dominated by
horse race journalism I can understand why, because I agree that
Palin's one-of-a-kind story has given her long shot running mate a
decent chance now of pulling this one out at the finish line. It's a
good metaphor, a horse race, because in the end it finishes right near
where it started -- just as it will be for America if John McCain and
Sarah Palin are sworn in on Jan. 20, 2009. Yes, it was a great speech
politically, and a great night for her family, but an empty speech for
America -- and for America's families. It was defined by its lowest
moment, Palin's shameless lie about 'the Bridge to Nowhere.' This was
a Speech to Nowhere."