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Palin comes out punching

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04.09.2008, 16:05:0204.09.08
an omeg...@googlegroups.com


04.09.2008, 16:08:4404.09.08
an World-News
Palin's Speech to Nowhere

Will Bunch, The Philadelphia Daily News: "Sarah Palin delivered a
great speech tonight -- for her party, for John McCain, for herself,
for what she set out to accomplish.... The pundits are fawning over it
as I write this -- Tom Brokaw said she could not have been 'more
winning and more engaging' -- and in a world that is dominated by
horse race journalism I can understand why, because I agree that
Palin's one-of-a-kind story has given her long shot running mate a
decent chance now of pulling this one out at the finish line. It's a
good metaphor, a horse race, because in the end it finishes right near
where it started -- just as it will be for America if John McCain and
Sarah Palin are sworn in on Jan. 20, 2009. Yes, it was a great speech
politically, and a great night for her family, but an empty speech for
America -- and for America's families. It was defined by its lowest
moment, Palin's shameless lie about 'the Bridge to Nowhere.' This was
a Speech to Nowhere."



04.09.2008, 16:13:1604.09.08
an World-News
Official: Palin's Never Issued an Order to Alaska Guard

George Bryson, Anchorage Daily News: "When presumptive Republican
presidential nominee John McCain introduced Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as
his running mate last Friday, the Arizona senator emphasized her role
as the commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard. Later, when
questions were raised about Palin's lack of experience in national and
international affairs, the McCain campaign pointed again to her
military command experience as governor. Some reporters have tried to
follow up. 'Can you tell me one decision that she made as commander in
chief of the Alaska National Guard?' CNN journalist Campbell Brown
asked Monday while interviewing McCain campaign spokesman Tucker
Bounds. 'Just one?' Bounds couldn't, because Palin has never
personally ordered the state guard to do anything."



04.09.2008, 16:43:3004.09.08
an World-News
McCain-Palin: The GI Joe-Barbie ticket:

They both represent a certain two-dimensional picture of American
life, or life as it should be, where all the women are drop-dead
gorgeous and all the men happily rush off to war, to fight against
unnamed and ever-shifting 'baddies'.


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