Does it confirm that EMF are guilty in the MCS (multiple chemical
sensitivities) development?
Philippe Hug
Chairman of ARA
1. Yariktas may 2005 Nitric oxide sinus.pdf
2. Adams feb 2009.pdf
[ ]
[ File note: Some of the questions: Findings re CBC...ozone...nitrous oxide, etc. We need an EMF activist with access to IEEE documents re this study and many more studies under IEEE control. While study below is "extreme electrostatic field" and "continuous exposure," the results, nevertheless, need to be compared with low level electric fields, intermittent, chronic-prolonged exposure simulating infant/toddler sleeping close to an electric meter -- such study should include eval of melatonin levels in lymphocytes, histamine, chymase (see Olle notes), nitrous oxide, etc......there are lots of studies by IEEE to which we have no access........jcm ..4-27-08....]
Prolonged Exposure of Mice to 340 kV/m Electrostatic Field
Fam, Waigh Z.
Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Nova Scotia;
This paper appears in: Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on
Publication Date: June 1981
Volume: BME-28, Issue: 6
On page(s): 453-459
ISSN: 0018-9294
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TBME.1981.324818
Posted online: 2007-03-12 12:45:43.0
Male and female mice were continuously exposed to an extremely intense electrostatic field for approximately 5000 h before they were sacrificed for tests. The progenies resulting from breeding the various couples were also subjected to the same field. Data concerning various biological parameters such as water consumption, body weight, rate of growth, number of progenies, blood count and chemistry, proteins, and organ histology are analyzed and compared with the results obtained from the control animals.Index Terms
Available to subscribers and IEEE members.References
Available to subscribers and IEEE members.