_Allergic to environment, Goodwin finds way to adjust_
David Davis <mailto:david...@clevelandbanner.com>
Managing Editor
Sunday, Jan 04, 2009
Hi David
I have just read your story about Audrey Goodwin and I request that you
put her in touch with me or my organization WEEP - The Canadian
Initiative against Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution. I
communicate with several persons who suffer similar allergies and I
myself am electro hypersensitive. There is a good reason to believe that
Audrey's allergies may have been caused by exposure to electro magnetic
radiation and by avoiding it, she may improve her health. A similar
situation occurred a few years ago and was documented in a book - The
Sick House Survival Guide by Angela Hobbs (New Society Publishers).
I have attached a document, Joining the Dots, that you should find
Yours sincerely
Martin Weatherall
Co Director WEEP
*_What is Neurotoxicity?_*
Neurotoxicity NIH NINDS
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National
Institutes of Health
*_The health effects of energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs._*
We have a new TV program in Canada called "16:9 - The Bigger Picture"
on Global TV. Their most recent show aired on Sunday Jan 4th and it
featured the health effects of energy efficient compact fluorescent
light bulbs. -Week 6 Epis 106. Show is 15 minutes and you can view
it on line at:
Please forward this to those who man be affected, to policy makers,
and especially to doctors who may be able to help their patients
suffering from electrical sensitivity caused by these bulbs.
*NASA-Funded Study Reveals Hazards of Severe Space Weather*
NASA Logo. (PRNewsFoto/NASA)