URGENT: Contact CBC re WiFi in schools

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09.09.2010, 16:17:3409.09.10
an omeg...@googlegroups.com
----- Original Message -----
From: Dr. Magda Havas
To: Iris Atzmon
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 8:25 PM
Subject: URGENT: contact CBC re WiFi in schools

For distribution

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 9, 2010 12:31:07 PM EDT
Subject: FW: WiFi Provincial responsibility

Hi everyone,


I’ve called CBC and left a message for Ionna Roumeliotis asking her to return my call. I commented on the great job she did on the WiFi segment last night on the National. I’m going to post comments on her website today for the TalkBack show tonight. Here is her e-mail address, as I don’t know if she is checking all of the comments on the CBC comment section. She may well be, but I thought having her direct e-mail would be better. CBC wouldn’t release her number, but hopefully I’ll have that later today.  ionnarou...@cbc.ca . I don’t know if the e-mail is case sensitive, but likely not.


Teri J


-----Original Message-----
From: Dr Magda Havas [mailto:drmagd...@gmail.com] 
Thursday, September 09, 2010 11:31 AM
To: Dennis and Sharon Noble
Cc: Protecting People; Martin Weatherall
Subject: Re: WiFi Provincial responsibility


Sharon and others,


I just received an email from Ioanna Roumeliotis, who did the special report on WiFi in Schools last night on CBC The National.


This is what she sent to me.  



From Ioanna:  "I am doing a talkback tonight as a follow up to our report.  If there is ANY news on your end, please let me know."



The more people who respond to the special the better.  Please consider commenting (via email or phone) on the show and sharing your experiences.  They are likely to read the shorter, focused comments on the talkback.


Magda Havas



Wi-Fi concerns in schools

September 8, 2010

Some Ontario parents are concerned that Wi-Fi in schools is making their children sick, the CBC's Ioanna Roumeliotis reports





On Sep 9, 2010, at 11:15 AM, Dennis and Sharon Noble wrote:

I believe that now is the time to get on the provinces to take action. WiFi is not in federal jurisdicition so we should not give Health Can. authority over it by deferring to them. The province has fully responsibility for health and schools. If they can, I'm sure BC Govt. will do what Ont. Govt. is doing and push Ottawa to do something. We all know what they will do -- more studies. We don't need more studies because the evidence is clear, especially in the 1999  Royal Society Report. Studies will grant the industry more time, and the conclusions will be biased, just as with the Interphone Study.


What we need know is a petition drive, public meetings, picketing at schools and school boards, media coverage across the country. I am very concerned that when Krewski says Health Can. needs to look at this that it will give the momentum away.




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