The World Health Organization (WHO) exposed for causing Worldwide Harm

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Feb 13, 2017, 2:03:53 AM2/13/17

The World Health Organization (WHO) - exposed for causing Worldwide Harm

The document is accessible here:  it exposes the harm being caused by WHO.

Conflict of interest, corruption, laundered money, industry bias/infiltration, intentional ignorance, denial of the science, disregard for humanity and failure to fulfill its mandate of protecting global health.  It’s all happening at WHO.

The document exposes the truth about the World Health Organization (WHO), regarding electromagnetic fields (EMFs) – particularly the RF/microwave radiation that’s saturating our environments, from cell towers, WiFi and other wireless devices:

It has failed to alert governments/the public about the proven dangers of RF/microwave radiation.

It has sided with the wireless telecommunications industry.

It has hired industry professionals to assess the harm being caused by that same industry.

It has received funding from the industry.

It has dismissed the proven bio-effects of microwave and other forms of radiation.

It has ignored the pleas of countless independent scientists, researchers, doctors, organizations and advocacy groups worldwide for stricter safety standards and recognition of the science on RF/microwave radiation.

It has failed to acknowledge the rapidly growing epidemic of microwave sickness/electromagnetic sensitivity (now believed to be affecting at least 300 million worldwide).

It has failed to fulfill its mandate to protect our health.

Via its International EMF Project, WHO is supposed to be protecting us from the harm­ful effects of RF/microwave radiation—radiation that we cannot see, smell or taste, even though it penetrates and affects every cell of our electromagnetic bodies.

The document provides details of these inexcusable failures, as well as scientific confirmation of the biological harm caused by electromagnetic radiation, and recommendations for addressing the current crisis.

A Vote of No Confidence in WHO and its EMF Project was launched in mid-December 2016 .  2,200+ votes have so far been received, with more being added daily.  


Olga Sheean

The British Tiredness Epidemic
Dr Hilary said: “One of the most common things I see in my surgery is people feeling worn out.
Is this another result of being constantly exposed to wireless radiation?

Antenna sickness is everywhere now

Mobile communications and mobile entertainment require a human environment overflowing with disease-inducingradiation, both indoors and out

Brain Cancer has exceeded leukemia now as the leading cancer among children

Leukemia used to be the leading cancer among children, but it is now #2 behind brain cancer.  Something in our environment has obviously increased brain cancer among children, and we need to bring attention to this fact and demand answers from our political leaders and government health agencies.   (both of these diseases can be related to EMF exposure).

Smartphone-Integrated, Infant Physiologic Monitors
My comments: The authors of this new paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association criticize the marketing of smartphone-integrated, infant physiologic monitors to parents of normal infants.

The paper should have included a summary of the research which suggests that wireless radiation exposure adversely affects infants because these potential health risks far outweigh any potential benefit from use of wireless monitoring devices with normal infants.

The Emerging Market of Smartphone-Integrated Infant Physiologic Monitors


January 24/31, 2017

Christopher P. Bonafide, David T. Jamison, Elizabeth E. Foglia. The Emerging Market of Smartphone-Integrated Infant Physiologic Monitors. JAMA. 2017;317(4):353-354. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.19137

No Abstract


In the past 2 years, a new class of infant physiologic monitors marketed to parents for use in the home has emerged. Smartphone applications (apps) integrated with sensors built into socks, onesies, buttons, leg bands, and diaper clips have the capability to display infants’ respirations, pulse rate, and blood oxygen saturation, and to generate alarms for apnea, tachycardia, bradycardia, and desaturation (Table). Despite the lack of publicly available evidence supporting the safety, accuracy, effectiveness, or role of these monitors in the care of well infants, sales of these products are brisk and the market is expanding....

There are no medical indications for monitoring healthy infants at home ....

The makers of consumer infant physiologic monitors have avoided US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) medical device regulation by not making claims that the devices prevent SIDS.

There are a few potential paths to establishing the safety, accuracy, and effectiveness of consumer infant monitors ...

Even if consumer monitors were highly accurate, the clinical appropriateness of monitoring healthy infants would remain in question ... these monitors could increase the risk of overdiagnosis and potential harm if these innocuous events generate alarms.

The current market of smartphone apps integrated with sensors that monitor infants’ vital signs are innovative and have potential to improve care. However, their performance characteristics are unknown to the public and there are no medical indications for their use. Until these monitors have been thoroughly evaluated and guidelines for use have been established, the recommendations physicians should give to parents who ask about these products is simple. There is no evidence that consumer infant physiologic monitors are life-saving, and there is potential for harm if parents choose to use them. Child and family advocates should make it clear to the FDA and policy makers that regulatory guidance and research evaluating the safety, accuracy, and effectiveness of these products are needed.

Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director
Center for Family and Community Health
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety


Heat or Eat?

Rent: $980. Hydro cost: $798. Is this 'smart' insanity what utilities had in mind all along?

Watch this poignant story of one young Ontario family’s heartbreaking struggles as they are forced to choose between heating and eating:

As we know, this is unfortunately not an isolated situation. Hundreds of thousands of reports of extreme billing increases have been reported from around the world, after the 'smart' meter agenda gets deployed in a given region.

* * * * *


Secondly, did you know that contrary to analog meters, with most 'smart' meters there are NO BUILT IN SURGE PROTECTORS? And the results? Millions of dollars in damage from fires, explosions and power outages which should have never happened.

Just last week, between 500 and 1000 homes were damaged or otherwise affected by a power surge. Damages that DO NOT HAPPEN WITH ANALOG METERS.

Get Brian Thiesen's full story and analysis, here:

Josh del Sol
Comment to FCC


By: Paul Raymond Doyon

Brief Comments: I oppose this proposal. There is not only an increasing body of evidence showing that this technology is deleterious to our health and the health of our environment, there is military research going back to the 1960s and 1970s showing all kinds of adverse health effects. An increasing number of people all over the world are waking up to the fact that this invisible wireless man-made radiation they are being exposed to on a daily basis, which has been estimated to be between one quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) to one quintillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000) times what we would get from natural sources (i.e. the Sun, the Earth, and the stars, etc.) is adversely their health. I was personally made ill living in the vicinity of several cell phone towers back in 2005 and it took me approximately six months to finally figure out what was affecting my health. I did not see the towers and imagine myself getting sick like industry wants to claim; no, I got sick and did not even imagine that this invisible radiation might be the cause and it took me six months before I was even able to consider this.
This invisible radiation (which we are unable to detect with our five senses of sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing) is affecting not only our personal health but also the health of all wildlife on our planet. If people are being made ill from constant 24/7 exposure to wireless radiation both at home and in their work places, they will eventually get sick and become a burden to not only their relatives, but also to the healthcare and welfare systems to no fault of their own. Do not blame the victims of a system that puts profits before people's health. The only people to blame are the people in government and industry that let this happen to an unwitting population. It is time to give the people back their power to make choices with regards to the placement of not only microwave transmission but also the new potentially health-damaging high-frequency millimeter-wave transmitters that are being proposed to spread 5G ubiquitously over not only the country but the planet.

Address: Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Radio and Microwave Impacts on Human Health: The Role of the Family Physician

Ontario College of Family Physicians website:
Children are at the greatest risk from exposure to environmental hazards.  Molecular biology and physiological studies support the real potential for adverse health impacts on children from exposure to EMF. These health impacts may not be immediately apparent, but may occur years later given the latency period of chronic disease development such as neurological disorders and cancers.

Smart Meters Dangerous? Man wins round in fight with PECO

There have been many smart meter fires in several US States and Canadian Provinces.

In the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, where smart meters have been installed, the powerful bursts of radiation they emit, have caused serious health effects, and some people are unable to live in their homes because of it.

Here is a list of US environmental groups who are fighting the dangers caused by 'dumb' smart meters: 

Smart meters are dangerous and should not be allowed !

Radio Interview: Second Hand Radiation and Warrantless Wiretapping
Deborah Kopald Interview Starts at 33:10 - lasts 21 minutes

Wireless Action - Act Now
Let Your Voice be heard

I plan to continue to update this page with the latest urgent going-ons that need action/input from the community.


Everything You Need To Know About 5G 6 minute video from IEEE

That is everything except the adverse health effects of 5G, they seem to be missing from this presentation.
Compilation of studies related to 5G effects on health
Dear Colleagues:
I want to share with everyone science journals and articles related to 5G millimeter waves that I have been compiling, and are they difficult to find!  I hope these can help support and define your case against 5G in your letters/email to the legislators.

Effects on bacteria:

Cellular electrodynamics in kHz-THz region:

Fields of the cell:

Resonance effect of low-intensity millimeter waves on the chromatin conformational state of rat thymocytes:

Research on biological effects of millimeter waves: a review of literature:

Articles with something to think about:

Saving the best for last.
Must read this motherlode of all explanation why MMW will be an ecodisaster and destroy all life on earth:

It is clear 5G will contribute to mass ecocide.  Another point I would like to introduce to round out the argument is the 5G effect on the buildings themselves.  The buildings are also not meant to be enveloped in these microwaves indefinitely and have never been engineered to withstand these vibrational forces on them.  These infrastructure dense DAS structures/poles placed intimately close to buildings (as well as humans) will be violating building code.  All building structures must meet strict engineering code requirements for sheer stress, vibrational stress, load stress, etc and these are all mathematically calculated and must meet approval in order to be built.  None of the buildings standing today takes into account the vibrational force at the molecular level.  Electromagnetic microwave radiation shakes and causes calcium breakdown in concrete and the like in building structures.  The breaking down of the connective bonds via calcium undermines structural integrity.  It causes a shortening of the life of the building as well as causing unintended consequences to earthquake safety - think of al the skyscrapers.  This may be another great angle of attack as these calculations can be made quantifiable in all the engineering mathematical equations.  All the torque and stress and vibrational issues must be accounted for during engineering and approval of any structure and it is clear no buildings account for electromagnetic microwave radiation passing through these building from all these myriad of sources - cell towers, wifi, antennas on buildings, and now 5G dense DAS so close to all buildings.  Even if they could account for these EMR’s passing through, it would never pass because of the break down of the calcium in the concrete.  Most buildings use some form of concrete, especially large commercial structures - from foundation to holding rebar, etc, including concrete blocks, brick, etc. are all affected.


5G Scientific Papers-mm wavelengths

Here is a list of articles on 5 G that may be helpful. Certainly research is needed on non thermal effects.
Cindy R

1) Changes in gap junctional intercellular communication in rabbits lens epithelial cells induced by low power density microwave radiation. Ye, J. Chin Med J (Engl). 2002 Dec;115(12):1873-6.


2) [Experimental studies on the influence of millimeter radiation on light transmission through the lens]. Prost, M.  Klin Oczna. 1994 Aug-Sep;96(8-9):257-9. “Transmission through the lenses was significantly decreased (about 33%) in the rats exposed to microwave radiation of 10 mW/cm2. The results of the study indicate that also microwave radiation in millimetre range can induce changes in the lens, predisposing to cataract development.”

3) Does human skin truly behave as an array of helical antennae in the millimeter and terahertz wave ranges? Ney,M.  Opt Lett. 2010 Oct 1;35(19):3180-2.

4) Impact of 60-GHz millimeter waves and corresponding heat effect on endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor gene expression.

Bioelectromagnetics. 2014 Sep;35(6):444-51. Le Quément C.

5) Near-field dosimetry for in vitro exposure of human cells at 60 GHz. Zhadobov M. Bioelectromagnetics. 2012 Jan;33(1):55-64. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nihgov/pubmed/21713963

6) Bose Condensation and non thermal processes in living systems under millimeter (MM) radiation. Chukova YP. Electromagn Biol Med. 2009;28(1):41-5.

7) Reasons of poor replicability of nonthermal bioeffects by millimeter waves. Chukova YuP. Bioelectrochem Bioenerg. 1999 May;48(2):349-53.

8) A non-thermal effect of millimeter wave radiation on the puffing of giant chromosomes. Z Naturforsch C. 1983 Sep-Oct;38(9-10):883-6. Koschnitzke C.

9) Thermal mechanisms of millimeter wave stimulation of excitable cells. Shapiro MG. Biophys J. 2013 Jun 18;104(12):2622-8.

10) Effects of millimeter wave irradiation and equivalent thermal heating on the activity of individual neurons in the leech ganglion. Romanenko S. J Neurophysiol. 2014 Nov 15;112(10):2423-31.

11) Modulation of neuronal activity and plasma membrane properties with low-power millimeter waves in organotypic cortical slices. Pikov V. J Neural Eng. 2010 Aug;7(4):045003.”V The applied levels of MMW power are three orders of magnitude below the existing safe limit for human exposure of 1 mW cm(-2). Surprisingly, even at these low power levels, MMWs were able to produce considerable changes in neuronal firing rate and plasma membrane properties. At the power density approaching 1 microW cm(-2), 1 min of MMW exposure reduced the firing rate to one third of the pre-exposure level in four out of eight examined neurons……. he presented results constitute the first demonstration of direct real-time monitoring of the impact of MMWs on nervous tissue at a microscopic scale. Implication of these findings for the therapeutic modulation of neuronal excitability is discussed.”

12) Comparison of blood pressure and thermal responses in rats exposed to millimeter wave energy or environmental heat. Millenbaugh NJ. Shock. 2006 Jun;25(6):625-32.

13) Bioeffects Research for Emerging RF Technologies M. R. Murphy and J. H. Merritt. Radio Frequency Radiation Branch, Human Effectiveness Directorate Air Force Research Laboratory, Brooks AFB, Texas, USA.

13) Current State and Implications of Research on Biological Effects of Millimeter Waves: A Review of the Literature. Andrei G. Pakhomov. Bioelectromagnetics 19:393–413 (1998)

14) State of knowledge on biological effects at 40–60 GHz. Yves Le Dréan, Yonis Soubere Mahamoud, Yann Le Page, Denis Habauzit, Catherine Le Quément, Maxim Zhadobov, Ronan Sauleau. State of knowledge on biological effects at 40–60 GHz. Comptes Rendus Physique, 14(5): 402-411.2013.

15) Transcriptome Analysis Reveals the Contribution of Thermal and the Specific Effects in Cellular Response to Millimeter Wave Exposure. Oct.14, 2014. PlosOne.Habauzit, D. “Our data evidenced a specific electromagnetic effect of MMW, which is associated to the cellular response to hyperthermia. This study raises the question of co-exposures associating radiofrequencies and other environmental sources of cellular …. In the hierarchical clustering of the up-regulated genes a specific cluster was nevertheless isolated (indicated by a bar in Figure S1B). This original cluster evidences up-regulated factors in Expo condition but not in HSC condition (Figure S1C). This cluster contains 7 genes (DKK1, NTN4, ADCY7, IRF2BP2, ADAMTS6, FAM120C and PAG1). Altogether these data suggest that the main effect of MMW is linked to the heat shock associated effect, except for some genes that may illustrate an action of MMW independent from the heat. .. Thus, we evidence here for the first time, that acute MMW stimulation specifically induces the expression of some secreted genes. Additional studies will be needed to determine what are the molecular mechanisms underlying this cellular response and how could evolve this response after chronic long-term MMW exposure.   or

16) The Human Body and Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communication Systems: Interactions and Implications. Wu,T. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Jun. 2015 Soubere Mahamoud Y.  Full article

17) Additive Effects of Millimeter Waves and 2-Deoxyglucose Co-Exposure on the Human Keratinocyte Transcriptome.


18) Transcriptome Analysis Reveals the Contribution of Thermal and the Specific Effects in Cellular Response to Millimeter Wave Exposure.


19) Impact of 60-GHz millimeter waves and corresponding heat effect on endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor gene expression.


20) Study of narrow band millimeter-wave potential interactions with endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor genes. Nicolaz CN.

21)  [Effects of millimeter wave on gene expression in human keratinocytes]. “Millimeter wave exposure could affect gene expression in human keratinocytes, which might be related to the intensity and the times of exposure.


22) Millimeter waves in the treatment of neurological manifestations of vertebral osteochondrosis.


23)  Invited Review Article: Current State of Research on Biological Effects of Terahertz Radiation. Wilmink,G. Journal of Infared,  Millimeter and Tetrahertz Waves.
October 2011.  Volume 32, 
Issue 10, pp 1074–1122

24) Millimeter wave absorption in the nonhuman primate eye at 35 GHz and 94 GHz. Chalfin S. Health Phys. 2002 Jul;83(1):83-90.
25)  Increased sensitivity of the non-human primate eye to microwave radiation following ophthalmic drug pretreatment. Kues HA

26) [Effect of extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation of low intensity on parameters of humoral immunity in healthy mice].
 Lushnikov KV.  Biofizika. 2001 Jul-Aug;46(4):753-60.

[Suppression of nonspecific resistance of the body under the effect of extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation of low intensity].
Kolomytseva MP. Biofizika. 2002 Jan-Feb;47(1):71-7.

[Effects of low-intensity extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation on chromatin structure of lymphoid cells in vivo and in vitro].
Gapeev AB. Radiats Biol Radioecol. 2003 Jan-Feb;43(1):87-92

29) Low power radio-frequency and microwave effects on human electroencephalogram and behavior. Bise W. Physiol Chem Phys. 1978;10(5):387-98.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nihgov/pubmed/751078Frequencies included .1 to 960 MHz continuous and 8.5 to 9.6 GHz pulse-modulated waves. Since the relaxation frequency of protein-bound water is considered to fall between 100 and 1,000 MHz, absorptions and quantum effects may be the mechanistic basis for the electroencephalogram changes observed in most of the subjects produced by 10(-15) W/cm2 cw radio-frequency energy of between 130 and 960 MHz. Constructive and destructive interference patterns from standing waves within the skull possibly interact with the bioelectric generators in the brain, since electroencephalogram wave amplitudes and frequencies increased or decreased respectively at different radio wavelengths.

30) Exposure of tumor-bearing mice to extremely high-frequency electromagnetic radiation modifies the composition of fatty acids in thymocytes and tumor tissue. Gapeyev ABInt J Radiat Biol. 2013 Aug;89(8):602-10.

31) Effects of 60-GHz millimeter waves on neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells using high-content screening  Haas AJ, Le Page Y, Zhadobov M, Sauleau R, Le Dréan Y.. Neurosci Lett. 2016 Apr 8;618:58-65. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2016.02.038. Epub 2016 Feb 26.

32) Le Dréan Y, Mahamoud YS, Le Page Y, Habauzit D, Le Quément C, Zhadobov M, Sauleau R. State of knowledge on biological effects at 40–60 GHz. Comptes Rendus Physique, 14(5):402-411. 2013.

33) Sivachenko IB, Medvedev DS, Molodtsova ID, Panteleev SS, Sokolov AY, Lyubashina OA. Effects of Millimeter-Wave Electromagnetic Radiation on the Experimental Model of Migraine. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2016 Feb;160(4):425-8. doi: 10.1007/s10517-016-3187-7. Epub 2016 Feb 22.

34) Soghomonyan D, Trchounian K, Trchounian A. Millimeter waves or extremely high frequency electromagnetic fields in the environment: what are their effects on bacteria? Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2016 Jun;100(11):4761-71. doi: 10.1007/s00253-016-7538-0. Epub 2016 Apr 18.

Residents in Fortis Green slam Thames Water's smart water meter installations

Smart meters
are replacing wired analogue meters which wirelessly monitor, measure and communicate customer's water usage data to utility

Council members spar over smart meters, compare MLGW to 'Gestapo'

A handful of council members said they're strong arming people into getting a smart meter.

Councilman Joe Brown compared MLGW to the Gestapo in the way they were handling the rollout.

She, and other members, said their phones were ringing off the hook with citizens upset with MLGW over smart meters that the customers did not want.

"We are being bombarded with calls from unhappy customers," council member Jamita Swearengen said.


Teacher: giving students wifi has made lessons chaotic

Firstly, I worry about the pupils – providing wifi on tap is like handing them the keys to the tuck shop and expecting them not to clear the shelves.
 Informant: Martin Weatherall
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