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Communication from the National Committee of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection to the WHO on non-thermal effects

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Mar 14, 2017, 5:19:36 PM3/14/17
The national statement to the WHO reflects decades of articulated, pondered, well-researched and peer-reviewed scientific and health issues research on a wide-range of "energetics", and in the realm of electromagnetic effects on living systems that we have been following since the 1970s, in conjunction with the National Research Council of Canada (Dr. John A. Tanner) and the Canadian Senate's Standing Committee on Health, Welfare and Science (Senator Chesley W. Carter, Chair).

We endorse this position from the Russian Federation.

We also call out all who are involved (academe, engineers, regulators, manufacturers, financiers, politicians and other stakeholders, including users), in the framework for the existent, emerging and envisaged global "internet of things" to review, re-engineer and revamp their injurious affectation implementation into safe, ethical deployment of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (especially Article 27, especially since higher quality, safer, less prohibitive and more ethical alternative exist and have been demonstrated to exist since circa 2000, almost 2 decades.\

We are attaching a document which discusses some of the "how" we got to the current situation and its characteristics. We urge the viewing of the video clip

which shows the power density absorbance for a wide-spectrum range of electromagnetic fields in the non-thermal, athermal and thermal range outdoors in a cross section of Toronto's waterfront zone that includes industrial, residential, commercial occupancy along the Gardiner Expressway, taken some years ago; current readings could be more than doubled since in some sections in view of additional wireless technology device applications and greater levels of communication.  Note how often even the Safety Code 6 is violated by stakeholders during this typical Toronto monitoring. Similar situations can be observed internationally, at the risk of current and future populations, including fauna and flora.

From Dr Andrew Michrowski

emf - non-thermal effects - Russian NCNRP critical let to WHO March 1 2017.pdf
Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 1948.pdf
wholelife emf 2014 show.doc
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