ARPANSA's new wireless advice

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Mar 4, 2013, 11:14:41 PM3/4/13

Dear Lyn,

Congratulations.  It is clear that the ARPANSA fact sheet never admits there is an issue:

Overall, the evidence suggests that the radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic energy (EME) emissions of mobile phone handsets are not harmful to the user. However, the technology is very new and it's impossible to be completely sure there isn't some risk. This is particularly true for children where there is little research evidence” [emphasis added.]


Given the economic power of industry they will continue to sing the “not harmful” song until it is impossible to ignore that there is very real harm.  Tragically, the societal cost will so high that it could bankrupt the health care systems of every government.


I write congratulations because the information provided to minimize exposures is quite good. It is unfortunate that Wi-Fi is missing particular because here in the United States Wi-Fi is being introduced into all levels of schools.  By far the largest exposure in a Wi-Fied classroom is from the adjacent laptops, tablets etc. rather from the Wi-Fi transmitter itself.


I particularly liked the discussion on “Protective devices” as most of these are worthless, but sell well due to very reasonable fear.


Keep up your good work,




From: EMR Australia PL
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 3:05 PM
Subject: ARPANSA's new wireless advice


In further groundbreaking news from Australia, ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency) has released a new fact sheet on reducing exposure to wireless radiation in the home. It can be found at:



The fact sheet contains input from members of the EME Reference group, of which I am a member, & has been some time in preparation.

Lyn McLean
EMR Australia PL
02 9576 1772

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