Her biggest battle

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Nov 18, 2008, 11:57:11 AM11/18/08
to omeg...@googlegroups.com
Subject:    Heating pads/heated mattress pads re cancer and Alzheimers
Thank you, Robert!     Millie "offers hope" but doesn't know that use of a heating pad or similar items such as an electric blanket or a heated mattress pad may have either been the cause of her stomach cancer and/or more likely than not, greatly exacerbated the cancer!
I tried to locate an email address for Vikki Hopes but could find only telephone numbers for editor and some other management personnel.  
In the past, I have reported on concerns about a lovely relative of mine who insists on using a heating pad many years after being diagnosed with breast cancer.   She has been undergoing chemotherapy for many years.   She constantly struggles to survive but continues to use a heating pad.   She reported she stopped using her electric blanket.    The head of her bed is against wall opposite the refrigerator.   Many years ago, she and neighbors who also suffered from cancer, suspected the WCCO Radio Tower as being responsible for many cancers.   My relative lives "in the shadows" of the radio tower.........as she cuddles up with her heating pad to relieve her pain..........
My relative's story and Millie's story reflect my "major concerns" that studies by Prof. Olle Johansson are essential to help sort out probable causes of breast cancer, stomach cancer, the Leukemias and more.   We are surrounded by varying frequencies.   Certainly a "focus" on the "very close exposures" will help determine potential safe distances from other electric field sources. 
I also reported in the past about the daughter of a couple in their 70's who were diagnosed with Alzheimers.  The daughter informed me the new "heated mattress pad" would be removed from the couple's bed that night.........       Take care  -   Joanne
Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs "R" Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55448-2127 USA
Phone:   763-755-6114
Email:    jcmpe...@aol.com    (11-18-07)
ARE YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN GUINEA PIGS?    Letter 7-22-04 by Joanne Mueller
In a message dated 11/18/2008 12:39:32 A.M. Central Standard Time, robe.ried writes:
Abbotsford News

Her biggest battle

By Vikki Hopes - Abbotsford News     

Published: November 17, 2008 1:00 PM
Updated: November 17, 2008 3:03 PM

Millie McConnell was surprised to recognize the doctor when he walked in the room. Dr. Benjamin Ross had performed surgery on her five years before.

“Millie?” he said hesitantly.

“It’s me!”

They hugged. He couldn’t believe it. She was alive.

* * * * *

Millie’s ordeal started at the beginning of 2001. She began having abdominal pain that at first felt like a bad stomach ache.

Over the next few weeks, it became so severe that Millie, then 45, kept a heating pad on her abdomen all day. She concealed it beneath her clothes while she interviewed clients at Vancouver Career College, where she was an admissions rep at the Coquitlam campus.

She used the heating pad so often and on such a high temperature to alleviate the pain that she burned her skin.     [  Emphasis added by Robert Riedlinger.......]

One day she was constipated. The next, diarrhea. Then bloating, nausea, weakness.

Millie thought the symptoms would go away, but after eight weeks she sought medical advice.

Her doctor said she had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Millie researched the topic and visited a naturopath, who suggested she change her diet – no wheat, dairy or bananas.

But Millie lost weight. Sometimes, she vomited.

“There’s something really wrong,” she told her doctor.

An ultrasound revealed a spot on the top of her stomach. She was referred for an endoscopy, in which a tube is inserted into the body to examine an organ.

One day at work, Millie excused herself from a client and barely made it to the bathroom, where she fell to her knees and vomited violently. She struggled for breath, panting like a woman in labour.


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