Spike in ''Aggressive'' Brain Cancer in Denmark

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09.11.2012, 23:57:1109.11.12
an omeg...@googlegroups.com
Spike in “Aggressive” Brain Cancer in Denmark
The Danish Cancer Society is reporting that the number of men diagnosed with glioblastoma —the most malignant type of brain cancer— has nearly doubled over the last ten years. Hans Skovgaard Poulsen, the head of neuro-oncology at Copenhagen University Hospital, is calling it a "frightening development."
For years the Danish Cancer Society has provided false information about the safety of cell phones.  The studies which they quote have removed all the 'heavy industrial users' of cell phones from the statistics, so that all the results they publish have been badly skewed.  Unfortunately these false results have been quoted in the press worldwide, giving people a false feeling of cell phone safety. 
With this news item, it looks like the truth is starting to appear. 
The Danish Police and Interpol should investigate those responsible for the false information and determine criminal liability.
Martin Weatherall
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