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Smart meter opt out in Virginia

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14.05.2013, 16:04:3714.05.13
an omeg...@googlegroups.com
Dominion Power of Virginia gives customers a smart meter opt out!
Doughtery smart meter
Volume 3 Edition 1                                                    

May 14, 2013



Dominion Power of Virginia is following the trend that is occurring across the country and is now offering a smart meter opt out to customers! The opt out does not allow you to keep your analog meter, but transforms a smart meter into a "non-communicating meter".  This option is only available to residential customers who do not have electric service on dynamic pricing, time-of-use-rates or customers who sell generation back to the company.  Buyer beware though, YOU must ask to receive the opt out.   


They will not routinely inform people of the option. When they notify customers that they are upgrading their analog meter they advise the customer if they want more information to access their website https://www.dom.com/about/conservation/smartmeter-faqs.jsp and read about smart meters. That is where the customer will find the opt out information.  You must call them at 1-866-566-6436 and request an opt out letter.  Upon receiving the letter you must then sign it and mail it to them before they will deactivate your smart meter's communicating devices. Once deactivated there will be no radio frequency radiation emissions from the meter, nor data storage, and it will then be called a "Non-Communicating Meter".


An employee of Dominion  will then have to read the meter to bill you. They will be going before the State Corporation Commission of Virginia(SCC) and requesting to charge extra for this but in the interim the company will not assess a separate charge to opt out.  Virginia residents will have the ability to comment on the fees at a currently unscheduled public hearing.  


We will notify you when this will happens.  Please take action and let them know no additional fees should be assessed to opt out of smart meters. Please send a letter if you can't attend the meeting.


The Center for Safer Wireless, along with other customers of Dominion  who were concerned about the health impact of the radio frequency radiation, safety and security of the smart meters, had supported Senator Garrett's bill that he presented in January, 2013 to the VA Senate Commerce and Labor Committee asking to be given the right to opt out of the smart meter installation and keep our analog meters.  The bill failed to pass at that time. Dominion, knowing that their customers wanted this choice, decided to move forward and give this new option to their customers. 


Concerns remain about the non-communicating meter creating harmonics on the electrical wires, also known as dirty electricity, resulting in health problems for the customer.  It is not known if these meters will possibly cause fires and power surges as, at times, the wireless smart meter did. The public would be better served if the analog meters remain on homes until a better digital meter is available that is as safe for the public as the analog meters are.  Please let us know if you encounter any health problems with the non-communicating meter.


Remember that we must inform others in Virginia of this choice to stop the spider web of radio frequency radiation from penetrating our world.  Make sure you pass this information to your neighbors, friends, and family and suggest they join the Center for Safer Wireless email list to stay current on the smart meter opt out provision.



Sign the  Petition Opposing Smart Meters in Washington, DC


Efforts to oppose the mandatory installation of smart meters in Washington, DC have resulted in the DC Public Service Commission announcing it will investigate the health and safety effects of smart meters. 


If you are a Washington, DC resident, please keep the pressure going by signing the petition opposing mandatory wireless smart meters in the District of Columbia. 




Please sign this Petition asking to have the FCC, an agency that was created to promote commerce, removed from the regulatory position for radio frequency radiation guidlines and give the responsibility to the EPA, the agency responsible for the environment.


WE need your help!
The Center for Safer Wireless is a totally volunteer organization.  We need your expertise in developing  a new website.   If you have the time, ability, and desire to help with this endeavor please contact us.  

The Center for Safer Wireless needs your donations to continue educating the public and the government about the negative health consequences of microwave radiation.   Your donations will help us raise awareness to protect the health of all citizens.

$200 donation will help us educate the medical community and schools

$100 donation will help us print informational brochures 

$50 donation will support a mass mailing 

We are a totally volunteer organization
and all the donations we get are used for furthering our mission.  

Please help us today
by giving what you can.  It is only with your help and commitment that we can continue to fight the onslaught of microwave radiation that bombards us, our families and all living organisms on the earth.


Wireless Safety Tip



Please be aware that elementary, middle school and high school students are often exposed to the microwave radiation emissions from industrial Wi-Fi routers at school.


Angela Flynn wrote a great piece explaining the concerns related to microwave radiation in the school environment.  


Some school districts are relaxing their wireless devices policy and allowing ereaders, tablets, and cellphones in the classroom. Each wireless device that is on near your child adds to your child's microwave radiation exposure; increasing the number of devices, increases exposure. Reading a physical book is preferable to reading a book on an ereader.  


If your child complains of headaches, nausea, insomnia, heart palpitations, difficulty concentrating, skin rashes, or anxiety,  it could be a result of microwave radiation over-exposure at school. Report your concerns to your doctor. These routers are more powerful than a home Wi-Fi router. Your kids may be sitting in a classroom among 20-35 children using wireless laptops. Each laptop also emits microwave radiation to communicate with the Wi-Fi router. 



This is a great video about  radio frequency radiation and life on earth.  

                                            SEE ~ Resonance - Beings of
                                            Frequency (documentary
MUST SEE ~ Resonance - Beings of Frequency (documentary film)

Watch Cindy Sage, an Environmental consultant, talk about smart meters in these two videos from the eon3EMFblog.net
Cindy Sage & LA
                                              DWP discuss 'Smart' Meters
                                              (part 1)
Cindy Sage & LA DWP discuss 'Smart' Meters (part 1)
Cindy Sage & LA
                                              DWP discuss 'Smart' Meters
                                              (part 2)
Cindy Sage & LA DWP discuss 'Smart' Meters (part 2)


Reading Rack   


How to organize your community to stop smart meters from TakeBackYourPower.org 


Biggest health risk that isn't worth taking according to MSN Healthy Living is holding a cell phone to your ear

Study: 290% Increased Risk of Brain Tumor After 10 Years of Cellphone Use

That's No Phone. That's My Tracker

Health Issues of Wireless Technology in Schools

Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields From Laptop Use of "Laptop" Computers

CDC survey highlights technology as major youth risk

Heavy Technology Use Linked to Fatigue, Stress and Depression in Young Adults

Why Smart Meters Might Be a Dumb Idea

Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation

In This Issue
Dominion Power of Virginia gives opt out
Petition Opposing Smart Meters in DC
We need your help
Please donate
Wireless Safety Tip
A must watch video
Reading Rack

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