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The public health and safety must be protected from the dangers of electronic product radiation

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Feb 6, 2017, 4:15:10 PM2/6/17
Schopenhauer was not totally right, notes Susan Clarke

André Fauteux, Editor/Publisher

All truth passes through three stages. 
First, it is ridiculed. 
Second, it is violently opposed. 
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. 
- Arthur Schopenhauer

On FEb 6 2017 à 14:57, Susan Clarkewrote
Science does regress.

Following the scientific and medical consensus of the 1960s, which resulted in greater protections from the US Congress (as below), the electronics industry began to pummel the professional culture in a variety of ways. Medical and scientific communities in particular were attacked with public ridicule, until the term "electromagnetic fields" itself became an embarrassment amongst professionals. This continued over the decades, to the point that few in the medical or scientific community would even use the term or discuss the subject! To this day, shame surrounding the discussion of electromagnetic fields or "EMFs" persists. (This is why we are more successful using the term "radiation" than the term "fields".) I don't know whether the same cultural problem of shaming tactics and their resultant silence exists amongst professionals in the French language cultures.

Belief in the harmful nature of electronic products was so strong by the end of the 1950s that every medical doctor advised parents to ensure that their children kept a significant distance from the TV, usually 10 feet. Ask any American who was old enough to remember the 1960s and s/he will confirm this. The parents didn't independently come up with the notion of TV's harmfulness: in that early-1960s culture, they were very much followers of authorities. The belief in medical doctors was practically religious amongst adults: you can still see such cultural persuasion in persons age 75+ today. Medical doctors instructed their patients to keep a "safe distance" from the TV because of its emissions, and everyone obeyed and made their children obey in turn.

This belief in the danger of electronic products generally, which derived from the extant science on adverse effects to humans, such effects considered by the scientific community as established, also brought about at the US federal level the October 18, 1968 Amendment to the Public Health Service Act, which reads precisely as follows:

An Act to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the protection of the public health from radiation emissions from electronic products.

Subpart 3 - Electronic Product Radiation Control


Sec. 354. The Congress hereby declares that the public health and safety must be protected from the dangers of electronic product radiation.

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