Subject: American Cancer Society for Obama "Change"
Meetings...jcm 12-12-08
I have been a non-accredited electromagnetic
radiation (EMF/EMR) researcher for two decades. One very important
piece of information I acquired is an article from the American Cancer
Society's files (File No. 2 RAD IRIS 2) recommending persons move
electric clocks and fans away from close proximity to beds. The 1993
article from "USA Today" cautioned re electric blanket use and
mentioned computer monitors, lights and also high voltage powerlines
under " to reduce electricity." The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is listed as one of the contacts.
My website ( ) has a listing of numerous other items that should not be
close to persons' beds such as cordless telephone transformer boxes,
electric and gas meters, fans, air purifiers, monitors, noise machines
and more. Due to lack of funding (all of my work is as a volunteer),
my site has not been updated to include more specific recommendations
regarding the need to check for any electric sources, including
computer and telephone equipment, that may be in a room adjacent to a
bed and to know also whether waterpipes and/or electric heat might be
over, under or next to a bed. Chronic daytime exposures are
additional considerations, however, a "focus" on nighttime electric
field exposures is particularly important re humans as well as animals
because low level electromagnetic fields interfere with the brain's
pineal gland and lowers essential melatonin levels.
My research began with a focus on saving children
from Leukemia. Two of our grandsons were diagnosed with rare immune
deficiencies. We were told they may develop Leukemia, Lymphoma,
stomach or colon cancers. Bottom line: I discovered they were each
sleeping close to electric meters in their own homes. The boys beds
were moved and they improved!!!
I learned that Leukemia and immune deficiency had
been linked to low levels of EMF's as part of the $46 mil EMF RAPID
Study. It has taken many years to find out that Dr. Imre Gyuk, U.S.
Dept. of Energy is the person responsible for not presenting the EMF
Interagency Committee Report to Congress. It appears that only public
outrage will ever bring about "proper release of information!" Funds
were allocated as part of the EMF RAPID Study for purpose of informing
citizens via public service announcements and flyers provided to
schools, hospitals, clinics, daycare establishments, nursing homes,
etc. As the situation stands now, persons and their animals are being
subjected to "experimentation without informed consent!"
My husband improved in three parts of his Executive
Function after moving his electric clock radio off his nightstand.
Also, starting him on melatonin has been extremely helpful.
Discontinuing Bud's statin, "Lipitor," is likely to have played a major
role re his memory decline and cognitive impairment due to the
synergystic chemical reactions between the medication and chronic,
toxic, electric field exposure(s). Incidentally, Bud can now walk
again without muscle pains. See my letter to Dr Marilyn Albert,
Alzheimers' Advisory Board Task Force at: ............ The likelihood of adverse chemical
interactions/reactions between chronic electric field exposures and
exposure to, or consumption of, any other medication, chemical or other
toxic exposure is very high! The issue of exacerbation and/or
"compounding adverse effects" are not being studied particularly in
regard to nighttime exposures when melatonin is essential for its
radioprotective benefits, its powerful antioxidant properties and
function as a cancer-fighter! All of this, not to mention how vital
melatonin is re obtaining proper sleep, maintaining energy levels and
even slowing the intracellular and extracellular aging process! Low
melatonin levels have been identified in patients with Alzheimers,
autism-spectrum disorders, cancers and other health problems.
The 2002 "BioInitiative Report" contains an extremely important chapter
titled "Evidence for effects on the immune system" by Karolinska
Institute (Stockholm, Sweden) Professor Olle Johansson. A review of
this information is essential for many reasons and also in regard to
understanding various hypersensitivity reactions as they relate to EMF
exposures and effects on immune function.
Recently my associates and I discovered magnets in
speakers are causing all sorts of health problems including symptoms of
autism-spectrum disorder, ear infections and poor sleep. See:
Project Sheep Sleep at: Sleep Sheep creating a tranquil
environment? .........
There is a need to reduce exposure to any item that has a speaker --
radios, PDA's, i-Pods, i-Phones, stereo equipment and even cell phones
held in close proximity to one's body. See:
Personal digital assistant (PDA) cell phone units
produce elevated extremely-low frequency electromagnetic field
emissions. Sage C, Johansson O, Sage SA.
We must look out for ourselves and spread-the-word re "prudent
avoidance" -- simple, cost-free methods of greatly reducing all health
problems by a minimum of 51%! While doing so, we need to ask the
American Cancer Society why they choose not to provide the same
precautionary information to the public as they did back in 1993 and
also ask what justified their decision to claim that close, chronic,
prolonged electric field exposures are not reasons to be concerned?
I continue to request attention from a media that is controlled by
industry and government deception. I am willing to speak before
groups whether small or large. Hopefully the "Obama Change" meetings
will inspire others to advance the cause by informing those in public
office that we are unwilling to stand by and allow dishonesty and greed
to prevail! Overall costs to education, family life, our world's
economy and healthcare systems are astronomical! Feel free to call or
email with questions. Take care - Joanne
Any donations at this time are non tax deductible and
need to be paid via cashier's check to Joanne C. Mueller. I need
funding for start-up costs for Guinea Pigs "R" Us as a non-profit
organization. I also need volunteers to be on Board of Directors.
All home evaluations at this time are cost-free. Do not have concerns
about asking for information and/or a home evaluation insofar as
donations. We need to "save the children" (and others)........