Re: XOs coming to Hanoi

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Serge Stinckwich

Nov 23, 2011, 9:05:26 PM11/23/11
to Hong D. Tran, Si Phu Le, Nancie Severs, NGUYET: Nguyễn Thị Ánh Nguyệt, Vu Do Quynh, Mario Behling, Lilly Nguyen, Hong Phuc Dang,
2011/11/24 Hong D. Tran <>:
> Hi Phu,
> Why don't we finish translation on : It
> focuses on 15 crucial projects.
> p/s: I've just invited my students to OLPC VN mailling list.

Dear all,
yes i think this better if everyone working on OLPC in Vietnam
register to the OLPC VN mailing-list.

I put the list in CC.

Serge Stinckwich
UMI UMMISCO 209 (IRD/UPMC), Hanoi, Vietnam
Matsuno Laboratory, Kyoto University, Japan (until 12/2011)
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

Nancie Severs

Nov 23, 2011, 10:43:04 PM11/23/11
to Si Phu Le, Chris Leonard,, Daniel Drake, NGUYET: Nguyễn Thị Ánh Nguyệt, Hong from Hanoi, Vu Do Quynh, Mario Behling, Lilly Nguyen, Hong Phuc Dang, Serge Stinckwich, Adam Holt
Hi Phu, Hong, and all!

Wow, Phu, 30 Students have Volunteered. That's fantastic!

Hong writes: that he has invited  his students to join the OLPC Vietnam Google Group, ((good idea) and:

Why don't we finish translation on: It focuses on 15 crucial projects.

1. Yes, I agree with Hong and Serge that to finish this will be a big help! The translations are hosted on a Pootle Server. If you and your students have never worked with this, (I haven't either) Chris Leonard is the OLPC volunteer that can get you started. I introduce him to you by this email.

Chris, should the translation of the Help Manual already done be imported from Floss to the Pootle Server? Can you give guidance on that?

2. I also think it is important to convert the Vietnamese language translation of the Help Manual that our Hanoi volunteers finished, into a Sugar Activity so that it can be hosted on the Sugar Activty page and downloaded directly to XOs or Sugar on a Stick (SOAS). That way the Help Manual  Activity can be opened on the XO in Vietnamese.

Once again I apologize that I don't know how to do this. But I am told it is not hard.

3. Re: the Undercover UXO Game, the game instructions and windows download can be found here:
Hong and Phu both have the working English and Khmer game files that I brought with me. As of now, I think that the Download for the XOs on the above website is the old one that does not work. I'll try and get the team to replace the file on the website. But you can use my files to access te code. I recommend that one group of students may want to work on translating the voice files into Vietnamese. That shoud be fun.The photo files may be similar enough, but those can be swapped out to resemble the terrain and warning markers in Vietnam if they are much different.

Daniel Drake is the volunteer that figured out the UndercoverUXO game code for me. He says it is messy and should be cleaned up. But it works!

I copy my reapir notes from his work below so that if you have some students really interested in learning Game & Appliation Development they can learn from the mistakes made:

Daniel and Adam looked at the code and concluded that the game was written in Windows. We didn’t test the Windows download.

The initial problem with the download from the website is that after the game icon loaded on the XO, the audio worked on the XO but the screen remained black. We could not do anything with the game.

It took the guys more than an hour to sort through the code and figure out the structure of the game, in order to fix the first problem. I don’t have technical expertise and I don’t do programming. This is what the guys explained to me. These comments refer mostly to the files and classes relevant to the necessary repair.

1. The python code didn’t follow the PEP8 Style Guide, or any other accepted style guide, This makes the code hard to understand and to debug. Python people use style guides and stick to them so that if there are bugs, other open source python people can quickly identify a problem and help is available from many sources in the open software community.

2. There are problems with the “Structure." There are too many files.

3. There are “Formatting” issues (improper white space use like mixing tabs and spaces and unnecessary spacing.), and

4.There are “Quality” issues. Examples are the things they repaired, and also some syntax errors (omission of parentheses in method call), and others. In their opinion, once the code was finished, what was missing was that a professional software engineer should have done an overview on the code and testing on an XO. The guys don’t know how you were able to test the game in Cambodia on XOs using the download available on the Website.

The guys said that it looked like the Code had been written maybe by about 7 different people (students?). If inexperienced programmers will be working on the code, in the future experienced developers should work along side them, mentoring, and making suggestions on overall structure, how to link the different parts of the code. In this way, less experienced programmers can still gain experience without sacrificing product quality.

A problem with the code as it stands, though it is working now, is that if something breaks in the game, or the transfer to a later build requires a repair, in it’s current messy state with 40 or so files that could be condensed to far fewer, volunteers who look at the code might be reluctant to work with it, because by not following an accepted style guide, it is too time consuming to figure out a fix that should otherwise take only a few minutes.

Description of Errors:

1. First, Daniel and Adam found a problem with the instruction that linked the drawing surface to the display. And then they figured out how to fix it.

2. Once we had the game working on an XO with video, it crashed at the end of level 1.  The cause of this error was that a Directory name was missing an uppercase letter. It is an error that won’t show up on windows, only on the XO. It was a simple repair and then the game played through all levels.


1. The levels do get increasingly difficult. It took Adam, who was adept at playing games a little while to win all five levels. That’s good because it will hold the kids attention for a long time, they’ll have to play over and over (the desired repetition) to beat the game.  But, at the end, when they win, there was no congratulatory screen, just the Mind Labs logo. A fun congratulations screen needs to be added! Adam says it needs a line of text that says the game is complete and gives an option to play again. He also suggests adding “satisfying” sounds between levels.

2. Journal Support for the XO needs to be added, so that the game is saved in the Journal of the children’s Activities.

Again, we will want the English Khmer and Vietnamese versions to become downloadable Activities hosted on the Sugar Activity page.

This all seems like a lot of work to me! But the students will learn so much. This can be done over some time and will be a very significant contribution!

Please thank all of the student volunteers.  When I get back to the USA in January, we can work together to write a letter in English and Vietnamese, thanking them for their work. They can use that and list this volunteer work on their CV/resumes' to help with future opportunities! Remind me please, so that I do not forgt this important piece!

Today is the USA Thanksgiving holiday. I am in Bangkok and it is not a holiday here. But especially today, I am grateful to have met you all, and for your help.
Huge Thanks and warm regards,

2011/11/23 Si Phu Le <>
Dear Nancie, Mario and other members
After 2 week, I found 30 students ready to join in the OLPC project.  I also had a talk with Mr Hong about this.
So now, I really need the English Manual of XO laptops and the manual of the game to translate them  into Vietnamese. If there is any information about this, please inform me so that I could tell the student what to do.

Thank all.

Le Si Phu

Vào 22:30 Ngày 13 tháng 11 năm 2011, Nancie Severs <> đã viết:

Hi Nguyet, Quynh, and Hong,

I enjoyed FOSSAsia in HCMC. It was great to meet so many folks involved in FOSS. Hong Phuc did a terrific job. Everything was very well organized, there were loads of wonderful student volunteers helping, the sessions were interesting and the events, lunches,dinners were wonderful.

I leave in the morning for Cambodia for a week. I'll be going to a rural village for a few days that has had lots of XOs for several years. The first kids that village will be graduating from high school soon and many plan to further their education, a first from this village!
I'll write about my visit on the blog, eventually.

I am sorry that my schedule didn't allow for a trip to Hanoi. I would have enjoyed meeting with everyone there too. Nguyet and Quynh, I do want to connect you with Hong (on this email). Hong and I met at FOSSAsia. We talked about the XOs that are already in Hanoi, and the 3 additional XOs that were re-donated for Vietnamese children, that I brought with me from the USA this trip. Hong is bringing the 3 new XOs and the 1 Lilly had, to Hanoi and will contact you. Adding these to the 2 Nguyet has been holding for us, there are 6 now. We are thinking that perhaps a small project perhaps in a children's shelter in or very near Hanoi will be a good idea.

The XOs can be reflashed to the latest Sugar software build 11.3.0. (The 3 I brought have 11.2.0 on them now. The software is much improved over 2 years ago! The XO-1 will dual boot in Gnome with this version. Be sure to try that!

Technology has changed but if children can't afford an IPad or don't live in a place where one is likely to last, our XO-1s can still change children's futures.They are as rugged as ever with reliable hardware. There was a lot of enthusiasm for them at the FOSSAsia conference. Please meet Phu, a teacher from Van Lang University in HCMC. He will be recruiting volunteers from among his classes, to help work with getting Sugar working in Vietnamese, Mario has 2 old XOs that will go to Phu for his students to update & work with.

That's my brief update. I hope we can get these XOs into the hands of poor children in the coming months. And, I haven't given up on getting a contact with the Vung Vieng Village leadership either. I know they would welcome some support and teaching, and quite frankly, I don't think that anyone out there has the skills to know yet what the XOs are capable of. Hopefully we will find a "local project leader" and the XOs out there can be taken to Hong Gai and updated with the Help Manual installed in Vietnamese language. That will make a big difference.

Feel free to post this notice and your replies on our OLPC VN Google Group. I've got to get packing for my flight tomorrow and wanted to get this off to you all!

Huge thanks and warm regards,


This email came from my XO from OLPC!
Please check out One Laptop Per Child at and help make the world a better place!

This email came from my XO from OLPC!
Please check out One Laptop Per Child at and help make the world a better place!

Nguyễn Vũ Hưng

Nov 23, 2011, 10:57:50 PM11/23/11
to, Hong D. Tran, Si Phu Le, Nancie Severs, NGUYET: Nguyễn Thị Ánh Nguyệt, Vu Do Quynh, Mario Behling, Lilly Nguyen, Hong Phuc Dang
2011/11/24 Serge Stinckwich <>:

> yes i think this better if everyone working on OLPC in Vietnam
> register to the OLPC VN mailing-list.

Yes, I am in.

Best Regards,
Nguyen Hung Vu [aka: NVH] ( in Vietnamese: Nguyễn Vũ Hưng )
vuhung16plus{remove} , YIM: vuhung16 , Skype:
vuhung16plus, twitter: vuhung, MSN: vuhung16.

Nguyễn Vũ Hưng

Nov 23, 2011, 11:03:33 PM11/23/11
to, Si Phu Le, Chris Leonard, Daniel Drake, NGUYET: Nguyễn Thị Ánh Nguyệt, Hong from Hanoi, Vu Do Quynh, Mario Behling, Lilly Nguyen, Hong Phuc Dang, Serge Stinckwich, Adam Holt
Hello Hong, Nancie et al,

2011/11/24 Nancie Severs <>:

> Hi Phu, Hong, and all!
> Wow, Phu, 30 Students have Volunteered. That's fantastic!

That is great.

> Hong writes: that he has invited  his students to join the OLPC Vietnam
> Google Group, ((good idea) and:
> Why don't we finish translation on: It
> focuses on 15 crucial projects.

That is a huge translation for us.
It will takes 2 hours per day x 4 persons x months to finish the work.

And it will be harder if we want perfect/great translation quality.

I love this project but I don't have enough time for translation.
# I am too busy working on LibreOffice, Mozilla and Gnome

However, du-an-most is a good place to ask for help

Nguyễn Vũ Hưng

Nov 24, 2011, 3:31:20 AM11/24/11
to, Si Phu Le, Chris Leonard, Daniel Drake, NGUYET: Nguyễn Thị Ánh Nguyệt, Hong from Hanoi, Vu Do Quynh, Mario Behling, Lilly Nguyen, Hong Phuc Dang, Serge Stinckwich, Adam Holt
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 11:03, Nguyễn Vũ Hưng <> wrote:
> However, du-an-most is a good place to ask for help

/me +1 for using MOST for this.

Just make a proposal and send to
"Bàn quản lý dự án MoST" <>,

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