Merge with Pythonistas

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Aug 11, 2010, 1:44:15 PM8/11/10
to OLPC Rochester, NY

The Pythonistas will begin meeting at RIT in the innovation center as
well. Their first meeting there is 9/9/2010, 6:30-8:30. Since our
attendance has been up and down over the past year, and Python is at
the core of Sugar Activity development, it seems to make sense for us
to join forces. Charley Profitt, who's leading the Pythonistas these
days, is enthusiastic about us joining forces, as am I.

SOme of the students who took the original OLPC development seminar
are taking advantage of the fact that the course name and number have
changed to retake the course, so we'll have seasoned Sugar developers
in the class and attending the meetings who can introduce the Python
crowd to Sugar development.

Due to a last minute illness of one of my colleagues, I won't be the
professor for the OLPC/Sugar development course, now officially
4080-445, Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software Development, as
I'll need to pick up another course.

Dave Shein will be teaching the course in my stead. Dave had his
trial by fire with the course last Winter and is now a POSSE graduate
so the fall students and the users group will both be well served.

See you on the 9th and happy Rosh Hashanah for those of you who
celebrate it

Stephen Jacobs
Associate Professor
Interactive Games and Media
Rochester Institute of Technology
102 Lomb Memorial Drive
Bldg 70
Rochester, NY 14618
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