Fw: This is what happens when a Muslim does not understand what Tauheed is ???????

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Mohammed Salman

May 29, 2011, 3:13:16 AM5/29/11

 As received..




السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركته

سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم


Astaghfirullahi al azeem

Ab ye din bhi dekhna baaqi tha…………………….  

Puttaparti ke Sai baba Ke liye Maghfirat ki Dua.

Qabar parasti ke baad ab Butoun ki Pooja.

We have Quran and Hadith of Rasool (S.A.W.S) with us but still the larger part of the Muslim Ummah is heading into the darkness of Shirk.

It is very sad to see the below pictures that many Muslims did not understand the very first pillar or very foundation of Islam i.e Tauheed.

A Muslim cannot remain a Muslim if he is not able to understand or differentiate between Tauheed and Shirk.

This is what happens when a Muslim does not understand or able to differentiate what Tauheed is and What Shirk is?

Shirk (associating partners) in the worship of Allaah.  Allaah says:  
Verily, Allaah does not forgive that partners be associated with Him in  
worship (i.e. Shirk), but He forgives what is less than that to whom He  
wills.” [Surah An-Nisaa: 116]  

And He says: “Verily, the one who mixes partners in worship with Allaah  
Shirk), then Paradise has been made forbidden for him and his final  
abode will be the Hellfire.  And the wrongdoers will not have any helpers  
in Hell).” [Surah Al-Maa’idah: 72]  

Unfortunately back home in India (or say Asian sub-continent) we have so called Scholars or learned people in Islam who never speaks about Tauheed and Shirk, and if we remind them of the Importance  of explaining  Tauheed and Shirk to the Muslims then they will bluntly tell you on your face that we are Muslim and we have uttered Kalima “La ilaha illallah Mohammed  Rasoolullah”  and it is enough and there is no need to explain what Tauheed is and its Antonym.

On contrary to this there are people who Understand what real Tauheed and what Shirk is but their size is something like salt in flour. These people should not see their size and number, but come forward to educate these Muslim masses with wisdom , who don’t understand What Tauheed is??

This is such an important topic that many Shuyukhs has written (compiled) many detailed books on Tauheed with authentic references from Quran and Hadith. If a Muslim, cannot read it completely, he must at least try to read the summarized points from that book.

Slowly and gradually this grave worshipping is now leading to Idol Worship.

Certain section of scholars who belongs to Sufi and Barelvi sect have always encouraged People for Grave worshipping. Slowly and gradually this grave worshipping (which in itself is SHIRK)  is now leading to other SHIRK i.e Idol Worship. As you are aware grave worshipping is widespread in Asian sub-continent.

Islam has allowed visiting Graveyards but not any specific Graves.  And we have to visit our nearest graveyard and not by travelling a long distance graves or any specific graves. And visiting the graveyards is allowed in order to remember and remind ourselves of the Hereafter.  And  Rasool (S.A.W.S) has taught us a specific dua to recite on this occasion which one can find in book of Dua’s.

These Sufi and Barelvi people have misinterpreted and misused this permission of Islam to amass wealth by  haram means by building shrines and making it a place of celebration (Urs) / worship to earn haram money. They are not just earning haraam money  but infact filling their stomachs with hell fire. This money minting peers, murshads and Dargah’s  are not only taking away Muslim’s money but also their very precious wealth i.e Imaan.



Wa Salaam















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