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Sep 19, 2008, 9:11:30 AM9/19/08
to Old Earth Creation Homeschool
Back when I joined the group, I briefly introduced myself, but since
then I have primarily been a lurker. Sorry for that. We homeschool
five children (9 y/o twin girls, 4 y/o son, 5 y/o son and newly
adopted 2 y/o daughter). We use Real Science-4-Kids as our science
curriculum and we are studying Chemistry this year. We add in living
science books and nature study to our studies as well. Recently we
received Dual Revelation from RTB (Reasons to Believe). We are so
impressed with it and will use it with our kids as they mature. My
husband, an avid reader of all RTB materials, teaches our children, at
their level, concepts he is learning about old earth creationism.
They have many questions, and for the most part, he is able to provide
an answer because of the knowledge base he has developed over the past
8 years of study. They love science and our five year old says he
will be a scientist one day.

Thanks for this group!


Jennifer Vaughn

Sep 19, 2008, 11:18:09 AM9/19/08
I liked the new "docudrama" too.  I think it makes this information more accessible to a larger number of Christians, especially those who are turned off by difficult-to-understand acadetalk, not necessarily because they don't understand it, but because they have equated it with secular Darwinists trying to trick unsuspecting Christians into denying the Bible.
Jennifer Vaughn
(714) 623-0862


Sep 20, 2008, 12:41:50 AM9/20/08
to Old Earth Creation Homeschool
(Introduction: There's a short bit about me under my profile) I'm
glad to have another place to talk about OEC. For many years, until an
RTB group started in our area a couple years ago, we didn't know
anyone who was.

In a way, we're past some of the struggles of finding curriculum,
since we use a correspondence school for high school (American School)
and they supply the books. All along, we've watched science programs
such as Nova, Nature, National Geographic, etc. as part of doing
science, and pointed out where necessary the evolution assumptions. We
also visit science museums when traveling. (If you join your local
science museum, chances are it's part of the ASTC, which gives you
free admission at other museums who are members.)

I have a large collection of books on science/creation topics and have
read a lot about YEC arguments, so if there's anything I can do to
help with something, please ask and I'll try.

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